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Themes: Ecosystem Services

151 Search Results

  • Publications

    Ecological impacts of ash dieback and mitigation methods

    Lead Author: Alice Broome
    Ash is a widespread species which makes a substantial contribution to many landscapes. Ash trees are affected by ash dieback, a disease caused by a fungus. It is clear from the European experience of the disease that a significant number of ash trees could be lost from woodlands in the UK over the course of […]
  • Publications

    Implications of lowland broadleaved woodland management for the conservation of target bird species

    Lead Author: Alice Broome
    This research consisted of a literature review and field study which investigated woodland management for birds within lowland broadleaved woodlands in Britain. The research considered the effect of woodland management (silvicultural intervention and control of deer browsing) on vegetation structure, and the relationships between vegetation structure and woodland birds. Based on habitat–bird relationships, a classification […]
  • Publications

    Delivery of ecosystem services by urban forests

    Lead Author: Helen Davies
    This Research Report looks at a broad range of urban forest-based ecosystem services and disservices and, using a literature review, links their provision with four aspects of urban forests (physical scale, physical structure and context in terms of location and proximity to people and land use and ownership). A key objective of this report is […]
  • Publications

    The implications of upland conifer management for breeding birds

    Lead Author: John Calladine
    Stand structure is an important determinant of habitat quality for forest biodiversity and is influenced by management. In conifer plantations, the varied structure created within a stand by continuous cover forestry (CCF) systems has been expected to be better for woodland birds than the range of discrete stand structures created through rotations of clearfelling and […]
  • Publications

    Understanding the provision of conifer seed for woodland species

    Lead Author: Alice Broome
    Conifer seed provides an important food resource for many woodland mammals, birds and insects, including some of Britain’s rarest species. This Research Note brings together information from a number of sources on cone and seed production by the main conifers planted in Britain. This information can help managers assess the seed resources of their woodlands […]
  • Publications

    Biodiversity and rotation length: economic models and ecological evidence

    Lead Author: N. Barsoum
    This Research Note presents the findings of a study which examined how biodiversity changes with stand age, with a view to incorporating it into optimal forest rotation length modelling. The study reviewed relevant literature and analysed Forestry Commission Biodiversity Assessment Project data. The review revealed no simple or universal response of biodiversity to stand age. […]
  • Publications

    Ecosystem services and forest management

    Lead Author: Louise Sing
    The ecosystem services concept helps describe the benefits which humans receive from nature and natural processes in a way that can influence policy and management decision-making. The ability of trees, woodlands and forests to provide a wide range of ecosystem services is very much dependent on where they are located and how they are managed. […]
  • Publications

    Deciding future management options for afforested deep peatland

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission (Scotland)
    This guide will help forest managers and agents in Scotland decide the best future management option for afforested deep peat sites (defined here as soils with a peat layer of 50 cm or more). It explains the principles and assessment methods of the ‘Forestry on peatland habitats’ supplementary guidance that Forestry Commission Scotland published in […]
  • Publications

    Managing open habitats in upland forests

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    The proportion of open space in many forests and woodlands is increasing as forest management plans are implemented and forests are restructured. Landowners and forest managers are increasingly being encouraged to manage this ground for biodiversity objectives but in some situations the management of open ground may be more complex and challenging than the management […]
  • Publications

    Managing forests in acid sensitive water catchments

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    Atmospheric pollution in the form of acid deposition has been dramatically reduced since international controls on emissions were introduced in the 1980s. However, acidification still affects acid-sensitive regions of the UK, damaging fisheries and causing adverse ecological changes in freshwaters. Forestry is known to influence the degree of acidification, principally due to the ability of […]
  • Publications

    Planning for brownfield land regeneration to woodland and wider green infrastructure

    Lead Author: Gail Atkinson
    The regeneration of brownfield land to green space can deliver multiple benefits to society and the environment through improvements in the quality of a site and its surrounding landscape. Successful delivery of regeneration projects is dependent on the planning of project delivery and on good project management. This Practice Note describes the process of brownfield […]
  • Publications

    Scotland’s Native Woodlands: Results from the Native Woodland Survey of Scotland

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission Scotland
    The Native Woodland Survey of Scotland (NWSS), carried out between 2006 and 2013 has provided the first authoritative picture of Scotland’s native woodlands. It used field survey to identify the location, type, extent, composition and condition of all native and nearly native woods, as well as woods planted on ancient woodland sites (PAWS). This report […]