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592 Search Results for Forestry Statistics

  • Tools and Resources


    PC-based wind risk model for British forests
  • Publications

    [Archive] Forests and wood ants in Scotland

    Lead Author: Jonathan Hughes
    This Information Note provides information on the northern wood ant Formica lugubris, the Scottish wood ant Formica aquilonia and the narrow-headed ant Formica exsecta. Information is presented on the legal and conservation status, ecology, habitat requirements and management of these three species. The Note is aimed at a wide range of people with interests in […]
  • Publications

    Publications on integrated management of forestry operations

    Publications about integrated management issues relevant across a wide range of forest opertaions with recommendations and best practice guidance
  • Tools and Resources

    Short rotation coppice establishment

    Practical considerations and benefits of greenspace for short rotation coppice and woodfuel establishment
  • Tools and Resources

    2018 – Woodland area by age: broadleaves

    Table 1.7 presents the area of broadleaves, broken down by age class, ownership and country. Around one half (53%) of the broadleaved area was occupied by stands of 40 years old or younger (Table 1.7). More than one quarter (28%) of stands were aged over 60 years. Table 1.7 Stocked woodland area in GB by ownership and […]
  • Tools and Resources

    2018 – Woodland area by age: conifers

    Table 1.6 presents the area of conifers, broken down by age class, ownership and country.  Sixty-one percent of the coniferous woodland area in Great Britain was occupied by stands of 40 years old or younger (Table 1.6). A further 9% of stands were aged over 60 years. Table 1.6 Stocked woodland area in GB by ownership and age class: Conifers Age class […]
  • Tools and Resources

    2019 – Growing stock by species: broadleaves

    Table 1.11 presents the volume of broadleaved growing stock, broken down by principal species, ownership and country. The total volume of broadleaved growing stock in Great Britain in 2012 was 245 million m3 overbark standing (Table 1.11). Oak (28%), ash (16%) and beech (12%) accounted for the majority of the broadleaved volume. To some extent, this reflects the […]
  • Tools and Resources

    2019 – Woodland area by species: broadleaves

    Table 1.9 presents the area of broadleaves, broken down by principal species, ownership and country. The most commonly occurring broadleaved species in Great Britain are birch (accounting for 18% of broadleaf woodland), oak (16%) and ash (12%) (Table 1.9). Birch is more dominant in Scotland, accounting for 43% of the broadleaf area there. Table 1.9 Stocked woodland […]
  • Tools and Resources

    2019 – Woodland area by species: conifers

    Table 1.8 presents the area of conifers, broken down by principal species, ownership and country. Sitka spruce accounts for around one half (51%) of the conifer area in Great Britain (Table 1.8), followed by Scots pine (17%) and larches (10%). Sitka spruce is less dominant in England, accounting for just one quarter (26%) of the conifer […]
  • Tools and Resources

    2019 – Growing stock by species: conifers

    Growing stock is the volume of timber in living trees. It is also often referred to as the standing volume. Table 1.10 presents the volume of coniferous growing stock, broken down by principal species, ownership and country. The total volume of coniferous growing stock in Great Britain in 2012 was 355 million m3 overbark standing (Table 1.10). Sitka […]
  • Service

    Land use and ecosystem services research services

    The Land Use and Ecosystem Services Research Group provides services to the forestry and environment sectors in the following areas: Evidence & knowledge These services are focussed on generating ecological, environmental, and social evidence and knowledge. We do experimental work, talk to people, and derive new evidence from existing data. For example, our work on WrEN and Peatland ecosystem […]
  • Publications

    Publications on establishment and maintenance (forest operations)

    Ground preparation, drainage, planting, protection, weeding and establishment and maintenance of quality crops using appropriate silvicultural systems