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640 Search Results for climate change

  • Tools and Resources

    Carbon dynamics

    The use of greenspace to alter environmental carbon dynamics, including carbon sequestration using urban trees to allow climate change adaptation and mitigation
  • Climate Change Hub


    We have handpicked a selection of climate change publications that include practical guidance for managers looking to improve the resilience of their land, in the face of an increasingly unpredictable climate.
  • Tools and Resources

    General biomass publications

    A selection of general, biomass related publications
  • Publications

    Encouraging biodiversity at multiple scales in support of resilient woodlands

    Lead Author: Chloe Bellamy
    Woodland ecosystems are integral to our health, well-being, security and economy, but they face a number of pressures including climate change, land-use intensification, and emerging pests and diseases. This Research Note explores the links between biodiversity, measured at different levels of organisation (genes, species and communities), and the ability of woodland ecosystems to withstand and […]
  • Tools and Resources

    Biosecurity – practical considerations

    Practical considerations of biosecurity and how planting exotic species and increasing movement of seeds can increase the risk of importing and disseminating new pest species (insects and pathogens).
  • Climate Change Hub

    Establishment & management

    Establishment practices can support climate change adaptation, such as direct seeding, controlling weeds and invasive species, choice of planting stock, and watering and irrigation.
  • Research

    Development of improved methods for detection, control and eradication of pine wood nematodes in support of EU Plant Health Policy (REPHRAME)

    Extending the capability of existing models to identify the risk posed by pine wood nematodes to the rest of Europe and the possible impact of climate change on its spread
  • Publications

    A future with broadleaved trees

    Lead Author: Steve Lee
    A strategy for the improvement of broadleaved trees in Britain and Ireland   The nations’ broadleaved trees, such as oak, chestnut, ash and birch, are important economically, socially and environmentally. Forest Research, Future Trees Trust and Earth Trust have jointly produced a strategy to improve Britain’s and Ireland’s broadleaved trees. The strategy, ‘A future with broadleaved trees’, […]
  • Tools and Resources

    Facts & figures

    Biomass and woodfuel related facts and figures
  • Service

    Programme 1 Sustainable Forest Management in the light of environmental change

    Summary of Programme Environmental change describes the far-reaching shifts in the earth’s life systems caused by human-induced effects on climate, atmospheric composition and land use.  Forests offer opportunities for mitigation of the effects of environmental change (e.g. carbon sequestration, slope stabilisation), and forests can be managed over the long-term to ensure their adaptation to the changes. […]
  • Tools and Resources

    Ecological Site Classification (ESC)

    A web-based decision support system for British forests
  • Tools and Resources

    Why use a Research Forest?

    Advantages of using an established research forest