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468 Search Results for forests and climate change

  • Research

    Slowing the Flow at Pickering

    Project exploring a new approach to flood management by working with nature to try and store more water in the landscape and slow its passage downstream
  • Research

    Forestry and Water Resources

    Improving ability to quantify amount of water used by trees through a range of process, field-catchment and modelling studies
  • Research

    Slowing the flow at Pickering – Maps of Pickering Beck and River Seven catchments

    Various reports, scientific papers, booklets, factsheets and minutes from project meetings
  • Research

    The effects of peatland restoration on water quality

    We are investigating the effects of peatland restoration by deforestation on nutrient and carbon transport to the water environment.
  • Publications

    Land managers behaviour and forest resilience

    Landowners and managers are being urged to change their behaviours and practice to increase forest resilience, this research describes some of the barriers to change including the different attitudes and beliefs of different kinds of land managers around uncertainty and risk, and the need for information and guidance which takes these perspectives into account.
  • Tools and Resources

    Social perception – Practical considerations

    How social perception can alter the use of greenspace for recreation and exercise and case studies
  • Service

    Chemical Analysis and Laboratory

    Table of contents: Service overview Our chemical analysis facility provides a comprehensive range of standard and specialist composition tests for inorganic analysis. Our expert staff handle samples from plants, trees, soil and water following strict quality assurance protocols. Quality assurance Our chemical analysis facility is among the top performers in Europe for plant, water and soil analysis. We have […]
  • Tools and Resources

    Forest Condition 2006

    Forestry Commission Forest Condition 2006
  • Tools and Resources

    Improving air quality

    How greenspace can improve air quality in urban areas, practical considerations and case studies
  • Tools and Resources

    Managing harvesting

    Managing the harvesting operation
  • Tools and Resources

    Phytophthora kernoviae

    Overview of invasive plant pathogen Phytophthora kernoviae. Distribution, symptoms, diagnosis and management.
  • Tools and Resources

    Green spruce aphid (Elatobium abietinum)

    Present in United Kingdom Not notifiable – See ‘Report a sighting’ below Scientific name – Elatobium abietinum (E. abietinum) Picture: Donald Owen, California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, Green spruce aphid (Elatobium abietinum) is an important defoliating pest of spruce trees (trees in the Picea genus), especially Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis), which is widely grown in the UK […]