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Themes: Forest Management

775 Search Results

  • Publications

    The management of semi-natural woodlands: 7. native pinewoods

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    This Practice Guide is one of a set of eight, which provide comprehensive advice on the management of ancient semi-natural woodland in Britain. While these guides are aimed primarily at ancient semi-natural woodland, much of the advice will also be appropriate for other semi-natural woods which are of high conservation value, and for long-established planted […]
  • Publications

    The management of semi-natural woodlands: 6. upland birchwoods

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    This Practice Guide is one of a set of eight, which provide comprehensive advice on the management of ancient semi-natural woodland in Britain. Much of the advice will also be appropriate for other semi-natural woods which are of high conservation value, and for long-established planted woods which have developed some of the characteristics of ancient […]
  • Publications

    The management of semi-natural woodlands: 5. upland oakwoods

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    This Practice Guide is one of a set of eight, which provide comprehensive advice on the management of ancient semi-natural woodland in Britain. Much of the advice will also be appropriate for other semi-natural woods which are of high conservation value, and for long-established planted woods which have developed some of the characteristics of ancient […]
  • Publications

    The management of semi-natural woodlands: 4. upland mixed ash woods

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    This Practice Guide is one of a set of eight, which provide comprehensive advice on the management of ancient semi-natural woodland in Britain. While these guides are aimed primarily at ancient semi-natural woodland, much of the advice will also be appropriate for other semi-natural woods which are of high conservation value, and for long-established planted […]
  • Publications

    The management of semi-natural woodlands: 3. lowland mixed broadleaved woods

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    This Practice Guide is one of a set of eight, which provide comprehensive advice on the management of ancient semi-natural woodland in Britain. While these guides are aimed primarily at ancient semi-natural woodland, much of the advice will also be appropriate for other semi-natural woods which are of high conservation value, and for long-established planted […]
  • Publications

    The management of semi-natural woodlands: 2. lowland beech–ash woods

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    This Practice Guide is one of a set of eight, which provide comprehensive advice on the management of ancient semi-natural woodland in Britain. While these guides are aimed primarily at ancient semi-natural woodland, much of the advice will also be appropriate for other semi-natural woods which are of high conservation value, and for long-established planted […]
  • Publications

    The management of semi-natural woodlands: 1. lowland acid beech and oak woods

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    This Practice Guide is one of a set of eight, which provide comprehensive advice on the management of ancient semi-natural woodland in Britain. While these guides are aimed primarily at ancient semi-natural woodland, much of the advice will also be appropriate for other semi-natural woods which are of high conservation value, and for long-established planted […]
  • Publications

    The silviculture and management of coppice woodlands

    Lead Author: Ralph Harmer
    Coppice woodlands form an important part of our cultural heritage and are often valuable areas for conservation and biodiversity. The 20th century saw a marked decline in coppice but in recent years long neglected woodlands have been brought back into active management. This renewed interest has been mainly for wildlife benefits, but some well-managed crops, […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Applying the Ecological Site Classification in the lowlands: a case study of the New Forest inclosures

    Lead Author: Graham D Pyatt
    Applying the Ecological Site Classification in the lowlands’ is an illustrated case study of the New Forest Inclosures, which cover an area of 8500 hectares in southern Britain. The Ecological Site Classification (ESC) model is a PC-based decision support system for forest managers. It is designed to match key site factors with the ecological requirements […]
  • Publications

    Chainsaw debutressing of standing timber

    This Technical Note provides advice and information to forest managers, woodland owners and contractors on the operation of debuttressing standing timber prior to felling by mechanical harvesting machines. It reviews current training, guidance and practice, and provides information about the decision process to be taken on when and how to carry out the debuttressing operation.
  • Publications

    Noise hazards in forestry operations and selection of personal protective equipment

    This Technical Note uses current information gathered from manufacturers and suppliers of equipment, together with limited noise measurements obtained from machinery studies, to assess the noise exposure levels of forest operations. From evaluation of these data, guidance is given on the selection of appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE). Loud impact or explosive noises, for example […]
  • Publications

    Respiratory protective equipment

    Lead Author: Bill J Jones
    This Technical Note provides an introduction to the legislative background to respiratory protective equipment (RPE) and discusses the need for suitable RPE. The terminology used in respirator selection is described along with relevant details of the hazards that RPE can protect against. Emphasis is placed on selecting equipment that is suitable for each situation in […]