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Sunrise over a spruce stand from the Harwood climate change monitoring tower.

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640 Search Results for climate change

  • Service

    Research highlights 2022-2023

    Some of what we have worked on this year A major work area at Forest Research this year has been the development of tools, guidance and research into the effects and mitigation of climate change. In 2022, we published the results of our pioneering Storm Damage Assessment, which establishes the scale and scope of damage in […]
  • Research

    Expanding Agroforestry: A Tree Species Guide for Agroforestry in the UK

    This ‘Tree Species Guide for UK Agroforestry Systems’ provides an overview of 33 species of trees and shrubs that could be planted in UK agroforestry systems.
  • Tools and Resources

    Step 2: Identify threats to the system

    Resilience Implementation Framework - step 2
  • Publications

    Historic Urban Tree Canopy Cover of Great Britain

    Lead Author: Kieron Doick
    A study of historic and current urban tree canopy cover in Great Britain using aerial imagery.
  • Tools and Resources

    Tree species and provenance

    Information on over 60 species that are either widely grown in British forests at the present time or which could play an increasing role in the future. Focus is on species which could be expected to produce usable timber in British conditions. Pages outline the natural distribution, summarise our knowledge of their site and climatic preferences and other silvicultural characteristics, and briefly cover information on suitable seed origins and provenances.
  • Climate Change Hub

    Carrying out thinning operations

    The intensity, frequency and timing of thinning operations can be modified to reduce select climate change risks.
  • Research

    Regeneration and sustainable silviculture

    Adapting forest regeneration to increase resilience to climate change and biotic threats, whilst maintaining productivity.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Thinning control in British woodlands

    Lead Author: R.T. Bradley
    Thinning control in British woodlands
  • Tools and Resources

    Brash removal

    Site selection for brash removal in upland conifer forests, with a focus on Sitka spruce stands
  • Publications

    The UK Forestry Standard 2017

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    The UK governments have set out their requirements for sustainable forest management in the UK Forestry Standard. Available both as ePub and PDF.
  • Research

    Payments for ecosystem services

    Investigating a framework of incentives covering financing and paying for the benefits provided by ecosystems to households, communities and economies
  • Research

    Review: street tree valuation systems

    The page summarises the findings of Forest Research’s assessment of three systems for calculating the amenity value of street trees.