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1578 Search Results for Research

  • Publications

    Pitch Canker Field guide

    Lead Author: Forest Research
    Field guide This document details signs and symptoms of the named tree pest(s) or disease(s) and provides advice on what to do if you suspect the pest or disease is present. Related pages Research and advice on tree pests and diseases Tree Health Diagnostic and Advisory Service Tree pest and disease posters
  • Publications

    [Archive] Dutch elm disease in Great Britain

    Lead Author: John Gibbs
    RIN 252 (1994) Out of print research publications from the 1980s and 1990s. Please note that since publication the products named may have been withdrawn or changed formulation, services may no longer be available, legislation superseded and addresses and contacts changed.
  • Publications

    Valuing the mental health benefits of woodlands

    Lead Author: Vadim Saraev
    This study is the first attempt to provide national estimates of the natural capital value of the mental health benefits provided by UK woodlands.
  • Publications

    Field portable X-ray fluorescence (FPXRF): A rapid and low-cost alternative for measuring metals and metalloids in soils

    Lead Author: Caroline Kilbride
    By Caroline Kilbride, Jane Poole, Tony Hutchings, Olga Rodriguez-Walters, Danielle Sinnett, Andy Brunt and Andy Moffat. CL:AIRE Research Bulletin 7. What’s of interest If your organisation has an interest in working with us on collaborative research related to greening brownfield or contaminated sites then please email: Related pages Brownfield regeneration Urban Greening
  • Publications

    [Archive] Advances in biotechnology: powerful tools for tree breeding and genetic conservation

    Lead Author: Steve Lee
    A range of biotechnological tools has been used by Forest Research to enhance the efficiencies of research and development programmes associated with tree breeding and genetic conservation. This Information Note presents some examples where such tools have been applied. These include enhancement of flowering in conifers, assessment of the efficiency of seed orchards, characterisation of […]
  • Publications

    How extensive are the impacts of nitrogen pollution in Great Britain’s forests?

    Lead Author: Fiona Kennedy
    Protecting our forests from pollutant deposition is and has been a topical issue for some time. Nitrogen, as well as being an essential nutrient for trees, is one of the most important of these pollutants. This article discusses the extent and severity of the issues associated with nitrogen pollution in our forests. By Fiona Kennedy. Article in […]
  • Publications

    Factsheet: Climate change and forests

    Lead Author: James Morison
    How do woodlands and forests affect the climate?
  • Publications

    Factsheet: Climate change and human behaviours

    Lead Author: Liz O'Brien
    There is increasing interest in designing policy interventions to sustain positive individual or societal behaviours and to encourage behaviour change which tackles environmental issues including climate change.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Evaluation of the contribution of forestry to economic development

    Lead Author: A.J. Grayson (Ed)
    At the Fifteenth Congress of the International Union of Forest Research Organisations (I.U.F.R.O.) held at Gainesville, Florida in March 1970, a Working Party was set up to consider methods of evaluating the contribution of Forestry to economic development. This Bulletin contains the papers presented at the meeting of this Working Party together with a report […]
  • Publications

    Peatland afforestation in the UK and consequences for carbon storage

    Lead Author: T.J. Sloan
    Peatlands are a globally significant store of carbon During the second half of the 20th century new planting techniques combined with tax incentives encouraged commercial forestry across large areas of peat bog in the UK, particularly in the Flow Country of northern Scotland. Such planting was controversial and was ultimately halted by removal of the tax […]
  • Publications

    Factsheet: Climate change and biodiversity

    More biodiverse woodlands are better able to resist or adapt to threats, such as climate change. This enhanced resilience supports the continuity of woodlands and the ecosystem services they provide. Biodiversity is the variation at different levels of biological organisation - the genes within a species; the species within a community; and the diversity between communities and ecosystems.
  • Publications

    Wood properties and uses of Sitka spruce in Britain

    Lead Author: John Moore
    Sitka spruce is the main conifer species grown in Great Britain and the commercial wood products’ industry is primarily based on this species. Wood from Sitka spruce is sawn into timber for use in construction, pallets/packaging and fencing, and is also used in the production of paper and panel products. Research into the wood properties […]