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Themes: Socio Economic Research

398 Search Results

  • Research

    The potential for agroforestry to reduce net GHG emissions in Scotland through the Woodland Carbon Code

    This research examines the potential of agroforestry to contribute to meeting greenhouse gas emissions reductions targets outlined in Scotland’s Climate Change Plan, and the economic viability of adopting agroforestry practices. It finds agroforestry has potential to sequester carbon and is generally financially viable, but benefits vary according to different factors.
  • Research

    Valuing Non-Woodland Trees

    This work helps us to understand the overall value of our treescape, in which non-woodland trees play a critical role. We define non-woodland trees as single trees in urban and rural places, groups of trees covering less than 0.1 hectares, and small woods covering less than 0.5 hectares.
  • Research

    Social and Cultural Values and Trees on Farms in England 

    This research involves working directly with farmers to better understand the barriers to and opportunities for increasing tree cover on farms. Specifically, it aims to explore how and where trees fit with farmers’ values – that is, where things matter to them for social, cultural, or moral reasons.
  • Research

    Social Dimensions of Natural Colonisation

    This research investigates why land managers may or may not adopt natural colonisation for tree expansion. It explores their attitudes, barriers, and support needs while evaluating the effectiveness of incentive schemes to improve engagement and policy support.
  • Research
  • Research

    The benefits of an i-Tree Eco survey

    Short summary of evaluation of outcomes and benefits of conducting i-Tree Eco surveys in the UK.
  • Publications

    Public perspectives of treescape creation, expansion, management and maintenance (a review)

    Lead Author: Clare Hall
    This review aims to answer the question “what are the public perspectives of woodland creation, expansion, management and maintenance?” (where woodland is taken to refer to trees in any location and context). Using a combination of structured search strings and key word searches, the search process uncovered 81 relevant publications from 15 countries, published between 1996 and 2021 (inclusive). Given the policy ambitions for tree planting and woodland expansion across Great Britain, from the United Kingdom (UK), Welsh and Scottish Governments, the findings from this review are timely. The findings provide valuable evidence of possible public reactions to new planting, afforestation and changes to management, and identify gaps in the evidence where further work is required.
  • Research

    Woodland Creation and Expansion – Programme 6

    This research aims to find out how to expand woodland cover in a way that maximises ecological and social benefits. The programme complements the other six programmes and follows collaborative principles to produce tools which support land managers, stakeholders and policymakers to increase engagement with woodland creation activities
  • Publications

    Monitoring and evaluating Quality of Life for the Comprehensive Spending Review 2007

    Lead Author: Forest Research
    Legacy socio-economic research relating to: Evaluation and appraisal Monitoring and evaluating Quality of Life for the Comprehensive Spending Review 2007 (PDF-227K) Access our current and recent socio-economic research.
  • Publications

    Valuation of the economic and social contribution of forestry for people in Scotland

    Lead Author: Forest Research
    Legacy socio-economic research relating to: Evaluation and appraisal Access our current and recent socio-economic research.
  • Publications

    EFORWOOD: incorporating social and cultural values into sustainability impact assessments of the forestry-wood chain

    Lead Author: Forest Research
    Legacy socio-economic research relating to: Evaluation and appraisal Access our current and recent socio-economic research.
  • Publications

    Woodfuel scoping study

    Lead Author: Forest Research
    Legacy socio-economic research relating to: Economic research Woodfuel scoping study (PDF-266K) Access our current and recent socio-economic research.