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Themes: Economics

36 Search Results

  • Research

    Greenspace initiatives: assessing evidence for economic benefits

    The page summarises the findings and recommendations from Forest Research’s critical assessment of the evidence and estimates used in valuations of initiatives to create or improve greenspace.
  • Research

    Health benefits of street trees

    The page summarises the findings of Forest Research’s comprehensive literature review to assess economic evidence on the health benefits provided by street trees.
  • Publications

    Forests and carbon: valuation, discounting and risk management

    Lead Author: Gregory Valatin
    Carbon valuation, discounting and risk management are important in ensuring that effective incentives are put in place to tackle climate change, and in comparing the relative merits of climate mitigation activities over time. Approaches applied in different contexts, including in relation to permanence issues, are reviewed in order to help inform development by the Forestry […]
  • Publications

    Forests and carbon: a review of additionality

    Lead Author: Gregory Valatin
    Additionality is a core aspect of quality assurance of greenhouse gas emissions reduction and sequestration activities, being used in a climate change context to mean net abatement over and above that which would have arisen anyway in the absence of a given activity or project. The underlying rationale of is to distinguish activities which further […]
  • Research

    Review: street tree valuation systems

    The page summarises the findings of Forest Research’s assessment of three systems for calculating the amenity value of street trees.
  • Research

    Estimating amenity values of street trees and woodland views: a methodological review

    The page summarises the findings of Forest Research’s review into methodologies for estimating the benefits (amenity value) delivered by street trees and woodland views.
  • Research

    Scoping study: assessment of the UK woodfuel supply chain

    The page summarises Forest Research’s review of the UK woodfuel supply chain covering pricing and production cost dynamics and an assessment of knowledge gaps.
  • Research

    Payments for ecosystem services

    Investigating a framework of incentives covering financing and paying for the benefits provided by ecosystems to households, communities and economies
  • Research

    Scientific review: approaches to carbon additionality

    This page summarises Forest Research’s main conclusions and recommendations arising from its review of the underlying rationale and methodologies for carbon additionality calculations.
  • Research

    Review of approaches to carbon valuation, discounting and risk management

    Establishing a framework that places a value on carbon
  • Publications

    The economic and social contribution of forestry for people in Scotland – Summary report

    Lead Author: David Edwards
    Results of a research project aiming to provide a comprehensive valuation of the current social and economic benefits of Scottish forestry, forests and woodlands derived by the people of Scotland. By David Edwards, Jake Morris, Liz O’Brien, Vadims Sarajevs and Gregory Valatin. Forestry Commission Research Note 102. Related pages People, trees and woodlands Social forestry research
  • Publications

    Payments for ecosystems services

    Lead Author: Gregory Valatin
    Ecosystem services have traditionally been regarded as ‘free goods’ and there is a lack of incentives to protect them. Payments for Ecosystem Services attempt to rectify this, often through market mechanisms. The use of these schemes has become more widespread particularly in the USA and some developing countries. By Gregory Valatin (Forest Research) and Jenna Coull […]