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Themes: Tree Breeding

237 Search Results

  • Publications

    Thinning control (2015)

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    This Field Guide provides guidance on the control of volume to be removed when marking a thinning and a guide to thinning yields. There are four sections: the first describes the yield class system and how yield class is assessed in a stand. The second covers thinning practice, including the type, intensity and cycle of […]
  • Publications

    Shake in oak: an evidence review

    Lead Author: Andrew Price
    Shake (internal splitting of the wood in a growing tree) is believed to affect and devalue around one-fifth of British oak crops. There is currently no fully reliable method to identify the defect in standing trees, or to predict vulnerable sites and stands without local knowledge and historical data. Shake may appear on any site, […]
  • Publications

    The Picts

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission (Scotland)
    The Picts: a learning resource for teachers of Curriculum for Excellence Level 2.
  • Publications

    Upgrading Seed Lots of European Silver Fir (Abies alba Mill.) using Imbibition-Drying-Separation

    Lead Author: S. McCartan
    How effective is imbibition-drying- separation? European silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) produces good seed crops every three to five years, but these crops often have a high proportion of empty seeds. In many tree species, the empty and insect-infested seeds are removed during processing and cleaning of seed lots. However, this is only possible if filled […]
  • Publications

    An easy guide to forest trees and their uses (Gaelic version)

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    Iùl beag air craobhan choilltean Is mar a chleachdas iadGheibhear san iùl bheag seo fiosrachadh air na diofar chraobhan a lorgas ann an coilltean is air fearann-coillteach ann am Breatainn. Innsidh e mar a dh’aithnichear diofar ghnèithean cumanta agus cho cudromach ‘s a tha iad ann am beatha-làitheil dhaoine. This Guide lets you find out more […]
  • Publications

    Forest Seedlings: A guide to the identification of tree and shrub seedlings in Britain

    Lead Author: Richard Jinks
    The ability to accurately identify tree and shrub seedlings is invaluable to anyone with an interest in forests and woodlands and it is fundamental to practical woodland management. However, identifying seedlings in their first year of growth is not as straightforward as identifying adult trees and shrubs, as they are often strikingly different in appearance. Forest […]
  • Publications

    Improving timber transport

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission (Scotland)
    The Strategic Timber Transport Fund (STTF) was introduced in 2005 to facilitate the sustainable transport of timber in rural areas of Scotland…
  • Publications

    Scotland’s Native Woodlands: Results from the Native Woodland Survey of Scotland

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission Scotland
    The Native Woodland Survey of Scotland (NWSS), carried out between 2006 and 2013 has provided the first authoritative picture of Scotland’s native woodlands. It used field survey to identify the location, type, extent, composition and condition of all native and nearly native woods, as well as woods planted on ancient woodland sites (PAWS). This report […]
  • Publications

    A future with broadleaved trees

    Lead Author: Steve Lee
    A strategy for the improvement of broadleaved trees in Britain and Ireland   The nations’ broadleaved trees, such as oak, chestnut, ash and birch, are important economically, socially and environmentally. Forest Research, Future Trees Trust and Earth Trust have jointly produced a strategy to improve Britain’s and Ireland’s broadleaved trees. The strategy, ‘A future with broadleaved trees’, […]
  • Publications

    The United Kingdom Wood Packaging Material Marking Programme

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    This leaflet sets out the obligations of manufacturers, repairers, recyclers and others involved in the wood packaging material sector under the United Kingdom Wood Packaging Material Marking Programme.
  • Publications

    Common sense risk management of trees

    Lead Author: National Tree Safety Group
    This is one of three new publications that have been produced by the Forestry Commission for the National Tree Safety Group. The three documents provide guidance on trees and public safety in the UK for owners, managers and advisers. This main document provides guidance for inspecting and maintaining trees; guidance that is reasonable and proportionate to: […]
  • Publications

    Environmental effects of stump and root harvesting

    Lead Author: Andy J Moffat
    The removal of tree stumps and coarse roots from felling sites as a source of woody biomass for bioenergy generation is well established in parts of Europe, and interest has been expressed in replicating this practice in some regions of the UK. Overseas research shows that stump harvesting can pose a risk to sustainable forest […]