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Forestry Guidance: Ukfs Practice Guide

33 Search Results

  • Publications

    The management of semi-natural woodlands: 4. upland mixed ash woods

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    This Practice Guide is one of a set of eight, which provide comprehensive advice on the management of ancient semi-natural woodland in Britain. While these guides are aimed primarily at ancient semi-natural woodland, much of the advice will also be appropriate for other semi-natural woods which are of high conservation value, and for long-established planted […]
  • Publications

    The management of semi-natural woodlands: 3. lowland mixed broadleaved woods

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    This Practice Guide is one of a set of eight, which provide comprehensive advice on the management of ancient semi-natural woodland in Britain. While these guides are aimed primarily at ancient semi-natural woodland, much of the advice will also be appropriate for other semi-natural woods which are of high conservation value, and for long-established planted […]
  • Publications

    The management of semi-natural woodlands: 2. lowland beech–ash woods

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    This Practice Guide is one of a set of eight, which provide comprehensive advice on the management of ancient semi-natural woodland in Britain. While these guides are aimed primarily at ancient semi-natural woodland, much of the advice will also be appropriate for other semi-natural woods which are of high conservation value, and for long-established planted […]
  • Publications

    The management of semi-natural woodlands: 1. lowland acid beech and oak woods

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    This Practice Guide is one of a set of eight, which provide comprehensive advice on the management of ancient semi-natural woodland in Britain. While these guides are aimed primarily at ancient semi-natural woodland, much of the advice will also be appropriate for other semi-natural woods which are of high conservation value, and for long-established planted […]
  • Publications

    Restoration of native woodland on ancient woodland sites

    Lead Author: Richard N Thompson
    The purpose of this Practice Guide is to give best practice advice to owners and managers on the restoration of native woodland on ancient woodland sites which have been planted with non-native species. The emphasis of the Guide is on the potential contribution of restoration to biodiversity and the practical considerations for successful development of […]
  • Publications

    Hazards from trees: a general guide

    Lead Author: David Lonsdale
    This Practice Guide indicates the responsibilities of owners and managers for assessing the risk of hazards from trees, and considers what inspection procedures might be appropriate. Preventative care of young trees and methods of protecting trees from wildlife damage are described. Details of tree hazards, signs of their occurrence, and options for remedial work are […]
  • Publications

    Whole-tree harvesting: a guide to good practice

    Lead Author: Andy J Moffat
    This guide provides operational guidance to managers on the potential impacts of whole-tree harvesting upon the forest ecosystem. It also considers the likely risks on different sites and makes recommendations for managers faced with different harvesting options.
  • Publications

    Involving communities in forestry through community participation

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    This Guide provides advice on successful community participation. Use it as a checklist or sounding board in all Forestry Authority Woodland Grant Schemes where the Community Woodland Supplement is applied for. Use it in relation to existing woodlands where Annual Management Grant is being paid on the basis of special provision for access and recreation. […]
  • Publications

    Forest operations and badger setts

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    This guide concentrates upon safeguarding setts and badgers within setts. It is not intended to provide comprehensive advice on the wider aspects of managing forests for the benefit of badgers although it includes some measures which go beyond what is strictly necessary to avoid an offence under the 1992 Act, in order to minimise disturbance […]