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Themes: Forest Management

766 Search Results

  • Research

    Cell wall macromolecules and reaction wood (CEMARE)

    This page summarises the results of the ‘Cell wall macromolecules and reaction wood’ (CEMARE) project, funded by the EU’s COST cooperative research programme.
  • Publications

    Consultation and community involvement in forest planning

    Lead Author: Paul Tabbush
    As part of Forest Design Planning, qualitative social research methods were used to describe and evaluate the participatory process developed in the New Forest. The process was followed in action at Cranborne Chase and North Dorset Forest District and interviews and discussion groups were held in 2003 and 2004. This report discusses in detail the […]
  • Research

    Transformation to continuous cover forestry

    Transformation to continuous cover forestry - using stand level data to specify silvicultural interventions
  • Publications
  • Publications

    Creating new broadleaved woodland by direct seeding

    Lead Author: I Willoughby
    This Practice Guide contains detailed recommendations for the establishment of new broadleaved woodlands by direct seeding, a silvicultural system whereby tree seed is sown by hand or machine into a prepared seedbed at a site intended for woodland creation.
  • Publications

    Life cycle assessment for construction products

    Lead Author: Jo Mundy
    An introductory guide to life cycle assessment for construction products aimed at manufacturers and specifiers. Jointly published by the Forestry Commission and BRE.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Managing light to enable natural regeneration in British conifer forests

    Lead Author: Sophie Hale
    This Information Note summarises the light requirements for seedling growth of conifer species beneath a forest canopy, and describes how to assess whether light levels beneath a stand are limiting seedling growth. Various methods of assessing light and canopy openness are described.
  • Research

    Integrated forest vegetation management – Direct seeding

    Potential means of creating new broadleaved woodlands
  • Research

    Integrated forest vegetation management

    Practical solutions for woodland establishment and regeneration in lowland situations
  • Publications

    Managing woodlands and their mammals

    Lead Author: Chris P Quine
    Proceedings of a symposium on ‘Managing woodlands and their mammals’ organised jointly by The Mammal Society and the Forestry Commission. The aim of the meeting was to bring mammalogists and foresters together to review knowledge, foster understanding and enhance cooperation between enthusiastic groups interested in the welfare of the British countryside. This publication seeks to […]
  • Publications

    Forestry statistics 2004

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    Forestry Statistics is a compendium of statistical information about woodland, forestry and primary wood processing in the UK. Traditionally forestry statistics have focused on forests as a source of timber, and on the use of timber by wood processing industries. However, in recent years, it has been increasingly recognised that a wider range of environmental […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Forest condition 2003

    Lead Author: Steven J Hendry