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Themes: Ecosystem Services

352 Search Results

  • Publications

    [Archive] Domestic stock grazing to enhance woodland biodiversity

    This Note describes the influence of domestic stock on woodland habitats and their associated flora and fauna and provides guidance on the use of domestic stock to re-create, maintain and enhance the characteristics of semi-natural woodlands.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Birch in spruce plantations: management for biodiversity

    Lead Author: Jonathan Humphrey
    This Technical Paper brings together a series of papers presented at the symposium ‘Birch in spruce plantations: management for biodiversity’ held at Scottish Natural Heritage’s Battleby Conference Centre, Perth, in February 1997. The aim of this symposium was to present the findings from a series of collaborative research projects funded jointly by the Forestry Commission […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Grazing as a management tool in European forest ecosystems

    Lead Author: Jonathan Humphrey
    Nine papers presented at a workshop funded as part of an EU concerted action programme, aimed at reviewing information on the impact of grazing animals on forest ecosystems, identifying management problems, and determining priority areas for research. There is need for better integration of ecological and economic objectives in forest ecosystems; large herbivores can be […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Ecology and conservation of raptors in forests

    Lead Author: Steve J. Petty
    The main aim of this Bulletin is to inform forest managers about the ecology of birds of prey in these new conifer forests and to offer practical advice on management techniques that will improve their attractiveness for this important group of birds. While the information and advice given concentrates on and relates to man-made forests […]
  • Publications

    Red squirrel conservation

    Lead Author: Gordon S Patterson
    This Practice Note aims to increase awareness and understanding of the need for red squirrel conservation and the approach being taken to achieve it. It describes the key principles and factors to be considered when deciding where and how to plan for red squirrel conservation in our woodlands and provides a guide to sources of […]
  • Publications
  • Publications
  • Publications

    [Archive] Foxes and forestry

    Lead Author: Andrew H. Chadwick
    The red fox is a generalist predator and scavenger, adapted to a range of habitats. An account of fox biology in relation to forestry is given, information on fox population trends is reviewed, and recommendations made with regard to strategies for management of the economic impact of foxes. This information is of value to forest […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Trees for shelter

    Lead Author: Harriet Palmer
    Proceedings from a highly topical seminar, the main objectives of which were: to review current research and development on the use of trees for shelter; to increase the awareness of shelter-related work being undertaken in the UK; to identify priority areas for future research and potential collaborative links. Papers were presented on trees for shelter […]
  • Publications

    Tree establishment on landfill sites

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    The results of 3 years commissioned research in the 1990s provide valuable information and advice on this important topic. Care in soil selection and placement, species choice, tree stock type, weed control, and protection against browsing animals is emphasised. Provided that there is a sufficient depth of overlying soil, woodland should pose no greater threat […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Thetford Forest Park: the ecology of a pine forest

    Lead Author: Philip Ratcliffe
    This Technical Paper includes papers from the Thetford symposium of 1991. The symposium was designed to gather together the results of a wide range of research which collectively have added greatly to our understanding of this pine forest ecosystem and influenced its management. The intended audience is woodland managers and ecologists and anyone with an […]
  • Publications

    Involving communities in forestry through community participation

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    This Guide provides advice on successful community participation. Use it as a checklist or sounding board in all Forestry Authority Woodland Grant Schemes where the Community Woodland Supplement is applied for. Use it in relation to existing woodlands where Annual Management Grant is being paid on the basis of special provision for access and recreation. […]