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519 Search Results for Pest and Diseases

  • Publications

    Factsheet: Climate change and risks

    What are the key risks to our forests and woodland? There are many risks to UK forests, woodlands and trees from climate change trends and extreme weather events. These risks can be managed to reduce the potential impact on our forests and the ecosystem services they provide. This factsheet highlights the main risks from climate change […]
  • Climate Change Hub

    Pests & Diseases

    The changing climate is increasing the risk to trees and woodlands from pests and pathogens, with outbreaks of new pests and diseases and changes to the frequency and severity of existing outbreaks, due to climate-related factors.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Forest nursery herbicides

    Lead Author: David Williamson
    Information is given on the use of forest nursery herbicides. Much of this information is based on the results of Forestry Commission experiments. A brief description of the types of herbicides is given followed by information on the various herbicides which can be used at the different stages of forest nursery stock production. This publication […]
  • Research

    Biodiversity and rotation length

    Investigate how to incorporate biodiversity into an optimal rotation length model through literature review and data re-analysis of biodiversity links with stand age.
  • Research

    Co-designing tree health policy options with land managers

    Co-design of tree health policy options with land managers for resilient treescapes post EU-Exit as part of Future Farming and Countryside Programme (FFC).
  • Research

    Range expansion of bark beetles in the genus Ips (ECLIPSE)

    First evidence of breeding by Ips typographus in the United Kingdom and expansion of Ips amitinus in Scandinavia, Ips duplicatus in central Europe and Ips cembrae in Great Britain and western/northern Europe suggests that factors that previously limited or moderated range expansion may be changing. This project will assess the...
  • Publications

    Acetamiprid used to prevent Hylobius abietis damaging young trees poses a very low risk of causing water contamination provided good forestry practices are followed

    Lead Author: Huw Thomas
    A study of chemical runoff following the use of acetamiprid as a pre-treatment and top-up spray to prevent damage from the large pine weevil (Hylobius abietis L.) to young trees was undertaken at a restock site in mid-Wales. The site was specifically selected to pose a high risk of chemical runoff, being a high elevation, […]
  • Research

    Living Ash Project phase II (LAP2)

    LAP2 commenced in 2019 as an extension of the earlier Living Ash Project phase I. The objectives of LAP2 are to: Establish a National Archive of Tolerant Ash based on selections made in the Living Ash Project phase I and from Forest Research’s mass screening trials (Future Trees Trust) Intensively screen selected trees using...
  • Research

    Breeding ash trees for tolerance to ash dieback

    Forest Research have been engaged in efforts to improve tolerance of ash trees to ash dieback caused by Hymenoscyphus fraxineus (previously known as ‘Chalara‘) since the disease was first recognised in Great Britain in 2012. Progress has been made under three main projects: Living Ash Project  Ash dieback mass screening trials  Testing a range of ash species for tolerance to ash dieback Across these three projects,...
  • Research

    The social dimensions of oak processionary moth (OPM) management

    Management of oak processionary moth (OPM) is becoming an increasing challenge to land managers of trees and woodlands in urban and rural areas as the pest continues to spread outwards from original infestation sites in London. This work looks at how landowners and other managers of trees are responding to...
  • Publications

    The lifecycle of Agrilus biguttatus: the role of temperature in its development and distribution, and implications for Acute Oak Decline

    Lead Author: Katy Reed
    The lifecycle of Agrilus biguttatus: the role of temperature in its development and distribution, and implications for Acute Oak Decline
  • Research

    Delivering Resilient Forests

    Resilient forests are important if our trees are to cope better with changing environmental conditions and threats from pests and diseases. This page provides information on the publications produced as part of Forest Research's 'Delivering Resilient Forests' programme of research.