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418 Search Results for Socio economic research

  • Publications

    Public access to woodlands and forests

    Lead Author: Star Molteno
    A review of existing literature on public access by Star Molteno, Jake Morris and Liz O’Brien. Related pages People, trees and woodlands Social forestry research
  • Publications

    Community based forest enterprises in Britain: Two organising typologies

    Lead Author: Bianca Ambrose-Oji
    Business and enterprise models in community based forest enterprises in Britain In a paper published in the journal Forest Policy and Economics, Forest Research social scientists, Bianca Ambrose-Oji, Anna Lawrence and Amy Stewart, examine diverse community-based and social enterprise business models by using a systematic framework to organise evidence from 33 case studies across Wales, Scotland […]
  • Publications

    Preferences for natural features and artificial infrastructure in woodlands and forests

    Lead Author: Clare Hall
    This review provides evidence of preferences for artificial infrastructure and facilities, and other natural features (alongside trees) that different people favour in different treescapes. Evidence is drawn from 41 international studies from 2002-2022.
  • Publications

    [Archive] The impact of Government intervention on private forest management in England and Wales

    Lead Author: J.A. Johnson
    This report presents the results of an enquiry into the influence of taxation and subsidies in forestry on the management of private woodlands in England and Wales. The aim of the study has been to clarify the critical elements in the management decisions of private woodland owners. The main feature distinguishing this study from others […]
  • Publications

    Woodland owners’ attitudes to public access provision in South-East England

    Lead Author: Andrew Church
    By Andrew Church, Neil Ravenscroft and Gill Rogers. Forestry Commission Information Note 74. Related pages People, trees and woodlands Social forestry research
  • Publications

    Tenanted farms and woodland creation – Evidence review and expert interview insights

    Lead Author: Stephen McConnachie
    This paper summarises the social science evidence relating to tenanted farms and woodland creation in Great Britain. It draws on a literature review and a series of nine interviews with key stakeholders to sense check and build on the findings. It focuses on the barriers, opportunities, and questions which relate specifically to tenant farming.
  • Publications

    The Forestry Commission public forest estate in England: Social use, value and expectations (Full report)

    Lead Author: Claudia Carter
    Final report from study to provide evidence of the public value of the Forestry Commission Public Forest Estate in England and establish whether people have different perceptions and expectations of publicly owned forests compared to those in other forms of ownership. By Claudia Carter, Anna Lawrence, Rebecca Lovell and Liz O’Brien.
  • Research


    Multi partner research project on risk-based strategies to prepare for and manage the invasive emerald ash borer and bronze birch borer.
  • Research


    SMARTIES – Surveillance and MAnagament of multiple Risks to Treescapes: Integrating Epidemiology and Stakeholder behaviour. SMARTIES is a collaborative project led by Rothamsted Research with Forest Research, University of Salford and the Stockholm Environment Institute as key partners. The project focuses on the development of a linked epidemiological and a social dynamics model which will identify the key epidemiological...
  • Research

    Summary of research assessing and communicating animal disease risks for countryside users

    This programme will help those involved in the countryside to understand better how to deal with diseases such as Lyme Disease, how to communicate the degree of risk effectively, and how to encourage preventative action
  • Research

    Biosecurity engagement with hikers at Rowardennan in Scotland

    Following the discovery of Phytophthora ramorum close to Rowardennan in Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park, Forest Research was commissioned to carry out questionnaires with hikers in the area to investigate their awareness of and engagement with the topic of tree pests and diseases, and biosecurity.
  • Publications

    Valuing the mental health benefits of woodlands

    Lead Author: Vadim Saraev
    This study is the first attempt to provide national estimates of the natural capital value of the mental health benefits provided by UK woodlands.