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Refine Results

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519 Search Results for Pest and Diseases

  • Research

    Summary of research assessing and communicating animal disease risks for countryside users

    This programme will help those involved in the countryside to understand better how to deal with diseases such as Lyme Disease, how to communicate the degree of risk effectively, and how to encourage preventative action
  • Publications

    Factsheet: Climate change and tree diseases

    The three main fungal root pathogens already present in the UK, causing significant damage in forestry, are described along with the likely impact of climate change on their spread and severity.
  • Publications

    Factsheet: Climate change and diseases of tree foliage

    The six main foliar pathogens already causing significant damage to conifers and broadleaved tree species in the UK are described along with the likely impact of climate change on their spread and severity.
  • Research

    PRotect Oak Ecosystems (PuRpOsE)

    This project is providing understanding of the current and future health threats to native oaks in the UK. It is focussing on Acute Oak Decline (AOD).
  • Research

    The dendroclimatic and dendrochronological background to Acute Oak Decline

    Using tree ring measurements (dendrochronology) and stable isotope analysis, the research aims to examine the stem growth and tree health histories of Acute Oak Decline (AOD)-affected trees, to look for evidence of predisposition to AOD, the impact of AOD on recent growth, and correlation with A. biguttatus attack.
  • Research

    Woodland Diversification

    Woodland Diversification Managing woodland stands in a way that retains productivity targets, but that also fosters biodiversity and stand resilience are key sustainable forest management goals. Current forestry policy advocates a diversification of woodland stands to achieve these goals, favouring mixed age structures, trees of mixed provenance and polycultures over...
  • Research

    Improved early detection of oak processionary moth

    Details of the improved methods for the early detection of Oak Processionary Moth
  • Research

    Pathway evaluation and pest risk management in transport (PERMIT)

    Forests are particularly vulnerable to movements of Invasive Alien Species. Multiple pathways for transfer of pests internationally are poorly characterised, leading to increasing transfer and establishment of new damaging organisms. This EU COST Action FP1002 aims to address this shortfall in knowledge and practice, and focus on reducing threats from exotic pests through promoting enhanced pathway management.
  • Research

    Observatree early warning system for tree health

    Details of the Observatree project to set up a new tree health early warning system in the UK.
  • Research

    Tree health stakeholders: attitudes, activities and roles

    This page summarises Forest Research’s work in a Defra-funded project to identify and analyse all stakeholders involved in monitoring and protecting the health of trees in the UK.
  • Research

    Social and economic analysis of DNB

    Details of the Dothistroma Needle Blight management strategy
  • Research

    Social analysis of the ALB outbreak

    This page summarises findings from Forest Research’s analysis of the 2012 outbreak of Asian Longhorn Beetle (ALB) in Kent, funded by Defra.