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467 Search Results for Forestry Practice

  • Tools and Resources

    Short rotation coppice establishment

    Practical considerations and benefits of greenspace for short rotation coppice and woodfuel establishment
  • Tools and Resources

    2017 – New planting & restocking

    New planting & restocking Introduction New planting is the creation of new areas of woodland. Restocking is the replanting of areas of woodland that have been felled. New planting can use planting/seeding or natural colonisation. Restocking can also use planting/seeding or natural regeneration.       Data sources and methodology Information about Forestry Commission, Natural Resources Wales and Forest Service new […]
  • Research

    Social research in forestry: impact and effectiveness

    The page summarises a pilot project by Forest Research to find out how the process of commissioning, doing and communicating social research affects policy, planning, practice and outcomes within the Forestry Commission.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Lichens in southern woodlands

    Lead Author: K. Broad
    A working knowledge of lichen ecology is important to most foresters. The study of lichens can reveal a good deal of important information about the age, health and management history of the woodlands where they are found – whether it is ‘ancient' woodland, for example, or the prevalence of atmospheric pollution in the area. This […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Wildlife conservation in woodlands

    Lead Author: R.C. Steele
    The aim of this Booklet is to show how woodlands managed mainly for wood production can be improved as habitats for wildlife. It is concerned with identifying those features of woodlands which promote wildlife conservation and suggesting how these features can be maintained or introduced by management. It suggests that wildlife conservation can and should […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] The management of red deer in upland forests

    Lead Author: P.R. Ratcliffe
    This Bulletin is primarily concerned with the management of resident populations of red deer in commercial forests, and gives practical prescriptions for deer management based upon sound data collection and scientific method. All such prescriptions must be aimed at particular, well-defined deer populations occupying discrete ranges. There is an important emphasis throughout upon predictive management, […]
  • Tools and Resources

    Culture and heritage

    How cultural and historical heritage can improve the quality and value of urban green infrastructure, opportunities and practical considerations
  • Tools and Resources

    2018 – UK Forests and Climate Change

    Introduction Forests can help mitigate climate change by reducing the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. They do this by absorbing carbon dioxide, using the carbon to produce sugars for tree growth and releasing the oxygen back into the air. As trees grow, they store carbon in their leaves, twigs and trunk, and in the […]
  • Publications

    Timber Measurement

    Lead Author: Ewan D Mackie
    Timber measurement was first published in 1983 as Booklet 49. Its punchy, practical style proved popular with practitioners trying to work out how to take basic measurements on trees and timber and apply standard forest mensuration procedures in the field. This revised edition has been produced primarily to achieve consistency with the second edition of […]
  • Tools and Resources

    Establishment Management Information System (EMIS)

    The EMIS decision support system provides guidance for forest managers by matching species to site factors and by highlighting the most appropriate silvicultural establishment strategies.
  • Tools and Resources

    2019 – Carbon

    Introduction Forests can help mitigate climate change by reducing the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. They do this by absorbing carbon dioxide, using the carbon to produce sugars for tree growth and releasing the oxygen back into the air. As trees grow, they store carbon in their leaves, twigs and trunk, and in the […]
  • Tools and Resources

    2018 – Woodland area and planting

    Introduction The definition of woodland in United Kingdom forestry statistics is land under stands of trees with a canopy cover of at least 20% (or having the potential to achieve this), including integral open space, and including felled areas that are awaiting restocking. There is no minimum height for trees to form a woodland at maturity, so […]