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Themes: Tree Breeding

284 Search Results

  • Publications

    [Archive] Field recognition of British elms

    Lead Author: J. Jobling
    The elms described in this booklet are the species, varieties and hybrids commonly found in the countryside and parks, and at the roadside in towns. They are: English elm – Ulmus proceraWych elm – U. glabraSmooth-leaved elm – U. carpinifolia Gleditsch var. carpinifoliaCornish elm – U. carpinifolia var. cornubiensisWheatley elm – U. carpinifolia var. sarniensisDutch elm […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Weeding in the forest: a work study approach

    Lead Author: W.O. Wittering
    ln 1959, when the Forestry Commission’s annual expenditure on weeding in the forest exceeded £1 million for the first time, the Work Study Branch was instructed to study the problem in all its aspects. Work was initially concentrated on hand weeding and the tools associated with it. Later studies of chemical and mechanical methods have […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Common trees

    Lead Author: Alan F. Mitchell
    This Booklet provides basic information to help users identify common broadleaved and coniferous trees found in Britain. Thirty two species are included with drawings showing tree shapes, leaves and fruit/flowers.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Conifers in the British Isles: a descriptive handbook

    Lead Author: Alan F. Mitchell
    This booklet contains a wealth of information on conifers from roughly 580 estates, gardens, parks and collections. Some outstanding trees previously unrecorded have been found and the best of these have been included. Specimens outside the general range of their species in this country are given precedence even if of no great size. Trees recorded […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Nursery practice

    Lead Author: J.R.Aldhous
    This Bulletin summarises results gained from the extensive programme of experiments and enquiries carried out by the Forestry Commission’s Research Division, from its inception in 1919 until the year 1970, together with the practical experience obtained in the large-scale raising of planting stocks for the national afforestation programme.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Thinning control in British woodlands (metric)

    Lead Author: R.T. Bradley
    This booklet provides a simple guide to the volume to be removed when thinning pure even-aged stands, or with suitable modifications, when thinning woods of mixed species and/or of uneven age. It replaces Booklet 17, the imperial version, from 1966.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Forest management tables (metric)

    Lead Author: G.J. Hamilton
    The tables included in this Booklet are designed as aids to the management of forests in British conditions and where profitability is a primary objective. The Booklet is divided into four parts which are: The Yield Class System of Classifying Growth Potential Thinning Control Production Forecasting Yield Tables This publication is a revised, metric edition of Forestry Commission Booklet 16, […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] The plan of operations (metric)

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    With the general introduction of metric measurements in the dedicated and approved woodlands schemes with effect from October 1971, the opportunity has been taken to re-examine the form of the standard Plan of Operations. This study has been carried out by the Forestry Commission in close consultation with the Timber Growers Organisation and the Scottish […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Gwydyr forest in Snowdonia: a history

    Lead Author: Donald L. Shaw
    In 1920 the Forestry Commission began the transformation of a great expanse of steep hillside and moorland, around Betws-y-Coed in North Wales, into modern productive forest. The few old oakwoods that remained, and the remarkable scenery of riverside, lake and crag were treated with the consideration they merited when spruce, larch, pine and Douglas fir […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Metric conversion tables and factors for forestry

    Lead Author: J.E. Everard
    This Booklet builds on the information provided in Booklet 5 Conversion tables for research workers in forestry and agriculture. Additional tables have been added, while other tables of limited use have been removed. Numerous conversion factors have been included to enable conversions to be made for less frequently used units.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Metric top diameter sawlog tables

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    This Booklet contains tables which give volumes of softwood sawlogs for given lengths and top diameters in metric units.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Metric volume ready reckoner for round timber

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    These tables are the metric equivalent of the old established Hoppus tables and are used in exactly the same way. Mid-diameters in centimetres are used instead of mid-quarter girth in inches, lengths are expressed in metres rather than in feet, and volumes are given in cubic metres.