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640 Search Results for climate change

  • Publications

    Benefits of green infrastructure

    Lead Author: Forest Research
    An in-depth technical report by Forest Research providing a synthesis of the evidence on the positive benefits which green infrastructure brings to society. A summary report is also available: Benefits of green infrastructure – summary report. By Land Regeneration and Urban Greenspace, Centre for Forestry and Climate Change.  
  • Tools and Resources

    Environmental benefits of woodland

    Woodland offers a wide range of benefits including environmental benefits
  • Tools and Resources

    Climate amelioration

    Information on the importance and use of greenspace planning to ensure adaptation to climate change
  • Publications

    Greenhouse gas emissions from four bioenergy crops in England and Wales: Integrating spatial estimates of yield and soil carbon balance in life cycle analyses

    Lead Author: J. Hillier
    Hillier, J., Whittaker, C., Dailey, G., Aylott, M., Casella, E., Richter, G.M., Riche, A., Murphy, R., Taylor, G. & Smith, P. (2009). Greenhouse gas emissions from four bioenergy crops in England and Wales: Integrating spatial estimates of yield and soil carbon balance in life cycle analyses.
  • Publications

    2011- Street tree valuation systems

    Lead Author: Vadims Sarajevs
    Street trees and urban woodlands provide a number of environmental and social benefits, including contributing to climate change adaptation and mitigation and providing urban green space. This Note presents the results of a review of three approaches to estimating the amenity value of street trees: CAVAT, Helliwell and i-Tree.
  • Publications

    The social and cultural values, and governance, of street trees

    Lead Author: Norman Dandy
    Climate change and street trees project – Social Research Report. Understanding the social and cultural values associated with street trees in the urban environment and the governance context in which decisions about their management are made. By Norman Dandy. Related pages People, trees and woodlands Social forestry research
  • Research

    Harvested Wood Products and Carbon Substitution

    This study reviews approaches to accounting for carbon storage and carbon substitution benefits of harvested wood products under existing carbon market standards, and considers how the UK Woodland Carbon Code - which at present covers climate change mitigation benefits of afforestation in terms of carbon sequestration, might be extended.
  • Publications

    Publications on woodlands and the environment

    Land reclamation and urban greening
  • Publications

    Terrestrial Umbrella: Eutrophication and acidification of terrestrial ecosystems

    Lead Author: Mark Broadmeadow
    The principal roles of Forest Research in this Defra programme were to provide expert advice and to deliver a range of site specific environmental, soil and vegetation-related parameters and data-sets required for the evaluation of the Critical Loads calculation methodology. This evaluation includes the testing and calibration of process-based dynamic models of soil chemistry. By Mark […]
  • Publications

    Cryptic genetic variation and adaptation to waterlogging in Caledonian Scots pine, Pinus sylvestris L.

    Exposure to a contrasting novel environment such as waterlogging under common garden conditions can trigger release of otherwise unobservable (cryptic) genetic variation. Under a flooding treatment, there was a greater increase in variability in Scots pine populations originating from drier sites in Scotland which likely reflects a relative absence of past selection. Under climate change this cryptic genetic variation may provide considerable potential to adapt.
  • Publications

    Stump harvesting: Interim guidance on site selection and good practice

    Lead Author: Forest Research
    Guidance to assist the forest industry in identifying sites where stumps may be harvested without compromising long-term sustainability, and on any environmental safeguards that must be applied. Related pages Continuous cover silviculture Integrated establishment systems for the uplands Management of upland native woodlands Woodland and habitat management publications
  • Publications

    Managing continuous cover forests

    Lead Author: Forest Research
    Practical guidance covering a flexible and adaptive approach and best advice on managing continuous cover. Forestry Commission Operational Guidance Booklet No. 7. Related pages Continuous cover silviculture Integrated establishment systems for the uplands Management of upland native woodlands Woodland and habitat management publications