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467 Search Results for Forestry Practice

  • Tools and Resources

    Forest Development Types

    We are currently designing management tools which will help practitioners to use Forest Development Types (FDTs) to diversify their forests and increase resilience.
  • Publications

    Climate change: impacts and adaptation in England’s woodlands

    Lead Author: Duncan Ray
    The changing climate presents a challenge for forest planning and forest management in England because the projected increases in temperature, changes in the seasonality of rainfall, and an increased frequency of extreme events add complexity to species selection and silvicultural practice. By actively adjusting forest management now, to anticipate future changes, we can hope to […]
  • Publications

    Using acoustic tools in forestry and the wood supply chain

    Lead Author: Shaun Mochan
    The demands for sustainably produced wood as a raw material for a variety of end uses is placing increased pressure on the forest resource in the UK. Knowledge of the timber properties of trees and logs is important to ensure that harvested wood is directed to its most appropriate end use. Current harvesting practice in […]
  • Tools and Resources
  • Publications

    [Archive] Use of broadleaved species in upland forests (FC Leaflet 88 – 1986)

    Lead Author: A.J. Low
    The purpose of this leaflet is to give practical guidance on how best to select and establish broadleaved tree species.
  • Tools and Resources

    2018 – Sources

    This chapter provides background information on the statistics presented in this release. It covers the data sources and methodology used to produce the statistics, information on quality measures and on any revisions to historic data and links to further information. Further details on quality are provided in quality reports for selected topics and for individual surveys, […]
  • Tools and Resources

    2017 – Timber

    Introduction This page provides an overview of the sources for the timber statistics presented in Chapter 2; more detailed information is provided on the following pages. The chapter covers wood production (removals) from UK woodland, and consumption and production by primary wood processors in the UK. The timber statistics presented cover both softwood (wood from coniferous trees […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Evaluation of forestry research

    Lead Author: A. J. Grayson
    The subject of evaluation is important to research managers generally and especially to those concerned with the formulation and direction of programmes. Evaluation is normally impracticable at the programme level; instead attention must be concentrated at the level of the project. The purposes served by such evaluation are three: to increase the awareness of research […]
  • Tools and Resources

    2018 – Timber

    Introduction This page provides an overview of the sources for the timber statistics presented in Chapter 2; more detailed information is provided on the following pages. The chapter covers wood production (removals) from UK woodland, and consumption and production by primary wood processors in the UK. The timber statistics presented cover both softwood (wood from coniferous trees […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] The volume-basal area line: a study in forest mensuration

    Lead Author: F.C. Hummel
    This bulletin is a study in forest mensuration which has arisen out of investigations into the timber content of British woodlands. It deals primarily with the relationship that exists between the volume of a tree and its sectional area at breast height; a relationship here called, for convenience, the volume-basal area line. Studies of this […]
  • Tools and Resources

    Use of waste materials

    Information on the use waste materials in soil in greenspace projects and practical considerations in the urban context
  • Tools and Resources

    Guidance documents

    A selection of biomass related guidance notes and documents from DEFRA, DECC the Forestry Commission and other sources