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640 Search Results for climate change

  • Media

    Cover title Research Report Behavioural policy ‘nudges’ to encourage woodland creation for climate change mitigation

    Cover title Research Report Behavioural policy ‘nudges’ to encourage woodland creation for climate change mitigation
  • Publications

    Understanding the carbon and greenhouse gas balance of forests in Britain

    Lead Author: James Morison
    Forests and woodlands represent a substantial stock of carbon that is contained in soil, trees and other vegetation. They are a key component of the global carbon cycle and their effective management, at both global and regional scales, is an important mechanism for reducing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Understanding what determines the size of […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] The carbon content of trees

    Lead Author: George Matthews
    Calculations of the quantities of carbon stored by trees requires a knowledge, not only of their growth rates, but also of the proportions of carbon contributing to their chemical make-up. This Technical Paper presents the results of a search of the literature for reported values for carbon contents and results of estimations of carbon contents […]
  • Publications

    The potential for Eucalyptus as a wood fuel in the UK. Applied Energy

    Lead Author: A. D. Leslie
    Leslie, A.D., Mencuccini, M. & Perks, M.P. (2011). The potential for Eucalyptus as a wood fuel in the UK. Applied Energy, 89, 176-182.
  • Publications

    Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from forest civil engineering

    Lead Author: Alan Dickerson
    The management of forests and woodlands requires an effective road network to provide access for the machinery required to plant and harvest trees and extract timber and wood products. Roads are also used by visitors for access and activities such as cycling and mountain biking. Forest roads and bridges must be constructed so that they […]
  • Publications

    Estimating the supply of biomass from short-rotation coppice in England, given social, economic and environmental constraints to land availability

    Lead Author: M. J. Aylott
    Aylott M.J., Casella E., Farrall K. & Taylor G. (2010). Estimating the supply of biomass from short-rotation coppice in England, given social, economic and environmental constraints to land availability.
  • Research

    The origins of shake and drought crack in trees

    The soil conditions experienced by a growing tree are reproduced under controlled conditions. Fluid distributions with the tree are visualised using magnetic resonance imaging in order to identify stresses and determine if these are linked to drought cracking and shake.
  • Research

    Stump harvesting

    Guidance developed by Forest Research on the selection of suitable sites for stump harvesting, best practice to maintain sustainable forest management, and research to quantify the risks to soils
  • Publications

    [Archive] Corporate Plan 2008-11: Forestry Commission England

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission England
    This Corporate Plan sets out clearly how Forestry Commission England aimed to deliver the Government’s public service agreements on: mitigating dangerous climate change; securing a healthy natural environment; and improving quality of life.
  • Research

    Integrated forest monitoring

    About the Level I, Level II, environmental change network, FutMon and BioSoil programmes
  • Publications

    [Archive] Designing forest edges to improve wind stability

    Lead Author: Barry Gardiner
    Forest edges are important for the stability, visual impact and biodiversity of forests. Improved design of edge plantings will enhance the benefits they provide. Wind tunnel experiments are described and results indicate the effect of different edge treatments on stability. Practical methods for creating edges that can improve forest stability and visual appeal are discussed. […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] A new series of windthrow monitoring areas in upland Britain

    Lead Author: C.P. Quine
    This Paper discusses a network of eight windthrow monitoring areas together with reference anemometers and wind vanes which have been established in forests in remote upland areas of Britain. The sites chosen will allow study of the onset and progression of windthrow in productive plantations. Details of the associated wind climate will also be obtained. […]