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467 Search Results for forests and climate change

  • Publications

    [Archive] Corporate Plan 2008-11: Forestry Commission England

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission England
    This Corporate Plan sets out clearly how Forestry Commission England aimed to deliver the Government’s public service agreements on: mitigating dangerous climate change; securing a healthy natural environment; and improving quality of life.
  • Publications

    The UK Forestry Standard 2023

    The UKFS is the technical standard for forestry across the UK, which provides the foundation for sustainable forest management. It has been developed specifically for forestry in the UK and is based on applying internationally agreed criteria which support the delivery of sustainable forest management and recognise the need to balance environmental, economic and social […]
  • Research

    Scotland’s Climate Ready Forest Network

    The Climate Ready Forest Network aims to support the forest sector in Scotland become more resilient to climate change.
  • Tools and Resources

    Species diversity

    Forest Research have developed a method of measuring forest tree species diversity
  • Publications

    Conserving and managing trees and woodlands in Scotland’s designed landscapes

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission (Scotland)
    Since Medieval times, designed landscapes have evolved and at times changed dramatically in style and character. Throughout all periods and recognised styles however, trees have been an essential feature. In the 20th century social and economic changes proved challenging times for land management, with a combination of estate fragmentation, decline and changed land-use policies, specifically […]
  • Tools and Resources

    Forests and people

    Forests and woodlands provide wide-ranging and diverse benefits to people in the UK.
  • Publications

    Ecosystem services and forest management

    Lead Author: Louise Sing
    The ecosystem services concept helps describe the benefits which humans receive from nature and natural processes in a way that can influence policy and management decision-making. The ability of trees, woodlands and forests to provide a wide range of ecosystem services is very much dependent on where they are located and how they are managed. […]
  • Publications

    How resilient are planted UK forests to drought? A summary of recent research on Sitka spruce and Scots pine.

    Lead Author: Tom Ovenden
    As our climate warms, the pressures on global forest ecosystems from extreme climate events are expected to increase across much of the world (Anderegg et al., 2020; Brodribb et al., 2020). Of particular concern is the increasing threat to tree health and productivity posed by drought. Despite a predominantly cool maritime climate, forest ecosystems in […]
  • Tools and Resources

    Species choice

    Information on the practical considerations for correct choice of species for planting on greenspace sites in urban areas
  • Publications

    Biodiversity and rotation length: economic models and ecological evidence

    Lead Author: N. Barsoum
    This Research Note presents the findings of a study which examined how biodiversity changes with stand age, with a view to incorporating it into optimal forest rotation length modelling. The study reviewed relevant literature and analysed Forestry Commission Biodiversity Assessment Project data. The review revealed no simple or universal response of biodiversity to stand age. […]
  • Publications

    Building wildfire resilience into forest management planning

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    Wildfire events are predicted to increase in frequency in the UK due to increased land-use pressure and climate change. Wildfires can have a number of impacts on sustainable forest management and, in some extreme cases, may have devastating human and environmental consequences. Reducing the incidence and impact of wildfires in forests and woodlands through good […]
  • Tools and Resources

    Forest Condition: References and useful sources of information

    Forest Condition: References and useful sources of information