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227 Search Results for Urban forests

  • Tools and Resources

    Social perception – Practical considerations

    How social perception can alter the use of greenspace for recreation and exercise and case studies
  • Tools and Resources

    Erosion control

    Summary of the use of urban greenspace to reduce erosion control and surface runoff due to stabilisation by tree roots and grasses
  • Tools and Resources

    Trees Outside Woodland (TOW)

    The National Forest Inventory (NFI) monitors woodland trees in Britain, yet many trees do not grow in woodland, but are found singly, in hedgerows and in parks and gardens, or as small wood features in both agricultural and urban landscapes. These trees outside woodlands are important natural resources and make important contributions to national carbon stocks, […]
  • Tools and Resources

    Reptile and amphibian biodiversity

    Benefits of greenspace for reptile and amphibian biodiversity, rare and protected species and practical consideration within urban and peri-urban environments
  • Tools and Resources


    The biological diversity (or biodiversity) value of urban greenspace and practical considerations for their biodiversity management
  • Research

    The contribution of trees, woods and forests to quality of life

    This page summarises Forest Research’s research and policy review and comprehensive inventory of evidence and practical programmes to develop greenspace in urban/peri-urban regeneration, place-making and place-shaping.
  • Publications

    A future with broadleaved trees

    Lead Author: Steve Lee
    A strategy for the improvement of broadleaved trees in Britain and Ireland   The nations’ broadleaved trees, such as oak, chestnut, ash and birch, are important economically, socially and environmentally. Forest Research, Future Trees Trust and Earth Trust have jointly produced a strategy to improve Britain’s and Ireland’s broadleaved trees. The strategy, ‘A future with broadleaved trees’, […]
  • Tools and Resources

    2019 – Public Opinion of Forestry

    Introduction Forest Research (on behalf of the Forestry Commission, Scottish Forestry, Welsh Government/ Natural Resources Wales and Northern Ireland Forest Service) has conducted similar surveys of public attitudes to forestry and forestry-related issues every two years since 1995. Three separate surveys were undertaken in 2019; in Northern Ireland, in Wales and across the UK as a […]
  • Research

    Green networks and people

    This page is about Forest Research’s work to help town planners join up open space into urban green networks.
  • Tools and Resources

    Brownfield regeneration

    Information on brownfield regeneration in the planning process during provision of greenspace in urban areas
  • Publications

    Valuing the social and environmental contribution of woodlands and trees in England, Scotland and Wales

    Lead Author: Amy Binner
    Woodlands and trees have a wide-ranging role in the economy, but this is often under-valued in conventional economic indicators. For example, woodlands deliver social and environmental benefits – such as outdoor access, biodiversity and carbon sequestration – which are largely unpriced in economic transactions but which have important impacts on the economy and on society’s […]
  • Service

    Social and economic research services

    The Society and Environment Research Group along with our economist colleagues provide a range of social and economic research services to the forestry and environment sectors including: Advice on the design and conduct of social and economic research Research project design and management Advice on social and economic issues in forestry and the wider environment Advice on evaluating forestry, environment and […]