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Publication Owners: Forest Research

357 Search Results

  • Publications

    Guidance on site suitability of small and medium scale harvesting and extraction machinery for forest harvesting (FR_TDJR150).

    Lead Author: Forest Research
    Guidance on site suitability of small and medium scale harvesting and extraction machinery for forest harvesting (FR_TDJR150).
  • Publications

    Do non-native conifer plantations provide benefits for a native forest specialist, the wood ant Formica lugubris?

    Lead Author: Duncan Procter
    Recent research by Forest Research scientists and colleagues at the University of York shows that northern hairy wood ants (Formica lugubris) have successfully colonised plantations of largely non-native coniferous species in the North York Moors National Park. The studies show that there has been a remarkable expansion of the population of this ant into new […]
  • Publications

    Safety guidance for selecting small and mini scale harvesting and extraction machinery for forest harvesting (FR_TDJR131).

    Lead Author: Forest Research
    Safety guidance for selecting small and mini scale harvesting and extraction machinery for forest harvesting (FR_TDJR131).
  • Publications

    Climate change adaptation strategies in a fragmented landscape

    Lead Author: Nicholas Synes
    A multi-species modelling approach to examine the impact of alternative climate change adaptation strategies on range shifting ability in a fragmented landscape This paper describes research to test the effects of varying ‘climate change adaptation strategies’ on the ability of different animals to move through the landscape in response to changing climatic conditions. The adaptation strategies […]
  • Publications

    Adapting Scotland’s forests to climate change using an action expiration chart

    Lead Author: Michal Petr
    New decision-making tool helps ecosystem services to adapt to the potential impact of climate change on Scottish forests In a paper published in Environmental Research Letters Michal Petr and colleagues investigate the impacts of future climate change on forest ecosystem services in Scotland and describe a new approach to supporting adaptation decisions in forestry. To sustain forests […]
  • Publications

    Controlling rhododendron through the use of herbicides

    To control Rhododendron spread, its eradication, usually by cutting and removal, is an accepted management practice. The regrowth of shoots on rhododendron stumps is however a common. Two papers explore different aspects of this problem.
  • Publications

    Community based forest enterprises in Britain: Two organising typologies

    Lead Author: Bianca Ambrose-Oji
    Business and enterprise models in community based forest enterprises in Britain In a paper published in the journal Forest Policy and Economics, Forest Research social scientists, Bianca Ambrose-Oji, Anna Lawrence and Amy Stewart, examine diverse community-based and social enterprise business models by using a systematic framework to organise evidence from 33 case studies across Wales, Scotland […]
  • Publications

    Comparing the Costs and Revenues of Transformation to Continuous Cover Forestry for Sitka Spruce in Great Britain

    Lead Author: Owen Davies
    Paper examines the economics of transforming a stand of Sitka spruce to Continuous Cover Forestry Recently continuous cover forestry (CCF) has become an accepted approach to forest management in Britain, but uncertainty about its economic consequences may be a barrier to its wider use. A study was carried out to examine the costs and revenues of […]
  • Publications

    Controlling rhododendron through the use of herbicides

    Lead Author: Ian Willoughby
    Problems associated with Rhododendron ponticum. Rhododendron ponticum is a highly invasive species affecting woodland in the UK. It is also a host to two particularly significant diseases affecting our woodlands – Phytophthora ramorum and Phytophthora kernoviae. To control their spread, the eradication of rhododendron, usually by cutting and removal, is an accepted management practice. The […]
  • Publications

    Trees and Woods in Scottish Towns: The role of Local Authorities

    Lead Author: Anna van der Jagt
    Report giving a snapshot of the state of urban tree management by local authorities in Scotland. By A. van der Jagt and Anna Lawrence What’s of interest If your organisation has an interest in working with us on collaborative research related to greening brownfield or contaminated sites then please email: Related pages Brownfield regeneration Urban greening
  • Publications

    [Archive] Forest Research Annual Report and Accounts 2014-2015

    Lead Author: Forest Research
    This report is available to download here or to order in hardcopy from The Stationery Office (TSO) (Phone: 0870 600 5522;
  • Publications

    Effects of urban density on carbon dioxide exchanges

    Lead Author: H.C. Ward
    Carbon dioxide is an important greenhouse gas contributing to global climate change. This paper quantifies the size of carbon dioxide flows between the land and the atmosphere in 1) a woodland at Alice Holt in Surrey, 2) a suburban site in Swindon and 3) an urban site in central London. The paper shows […]