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Themes: Socio Economic Research

401 Search Results

  • Publications

    Valuing the social and environmental contribution of woodlands and trees in England, Scotland and Wales

    Lead Author: Pat Snowdon
    This Research Note is based on a review by the University of Exeter that evaluated existing knowledge on valuing the social and environmental contributions of British trees and woodlands. It starts by bringing together different (but related) economic terms and concepts in a single framework for understanding how trees and woodlands contribute to economic well-being, […]
  • Research


    Multi partner research project on risk-based strategies to prepare for and manage the invasive emerald ash borer and bronze birch borer.
  • Publications

    Biodiversity and rotation length: economic models and ecological evidence

    Lead Author: N. Barsoum
    This Research Note presents the findings of a study which examined how biodiversity changes with stand age, with a view to incorporating it into optimal forest rotation length modelling. The study reviewed relevant literature and analysed Forestry Commission Biodiversity Assessment Project data. The review revealed no simple or universal response of biodiversity to stand age. […]
  • Research

    Children and young people’s engagement with nature

    The research focuses on children and young people’s engagement with trees, woodlands and wider nature and the barriers to, and opportunities, for further engagement.
  • Publications

    Natural Play: how can we enable children to benefit from nature?

    Lead Author: Margrete Skar
    There is increasing evidence that contact with nature provides a wide variety of benefits for children. These include physical, mental and social well-being benefits as well as a wide range of learning opportunities and the chance to develop an interest in and understanding of nature. At the same time, there is increasing global concern that […]
  • Research

    Kew Grow Wild Programme Evaluation

    The purpose of the Grow Wild evaluation is to assess the impact on the people participating in two different kinds of activities, that make up the Grow Wild project.
  • Publications

    Community based forest enterprises in Britain: Two organising typologies

    Lead Author: Bianca Ambrose-Oji
    Business and enterprise models in community based forest enterprises in Britain In a paper published in the journal Forest Policy and Economics, Forest Research social scientists, Bianca Ambrose-Oji, Anna Lawrence and Amy Stewart, examine diverse community-based and social enterprise business models by using a systematic framework to organise evidence from 33 case studies across Wales, Scotland […]
  • Publications

    Comparing the Costs and Revenues of Transformation to Continuous Cover Forestry for Sitka Spruce in Great Britain

    Lead Author: Owen Davies
    Paper examines the economics of transforming a stand of Sitka spruce to Continuous Cover Forestry Recently continuous cover forestry (CCF) has become an accepted approach to forest management in Britain, but uncertainty about its economic consequences may be a barrier to its wider use. A study was carried out to examine the costs and revenues of […]
  • Research

    Realising the cultural value of a Caledonian pine forest

    A series of workshops, public discussions and forest walks, facilitated by environmental artists, to explore the cultural values associated with the Black Wood of Rannoch.
  • Publications

    Forests as places of mental well-being for people with dementia

    Lead Author: Mandy Cook
    This Research Note is based on a PhD research study ‘Forests as places of mental well-being: the meaning and use of urban forests by people with early-stage dementia’. The study examines and develops ways for people with dementia (especially those in the early stages) to engage with nature, and with other people, in the context […]
  • Research

    Future Proofing Plant Health

    The Future Proofing Plant Health project aims to provide evidence for the implementation of the GB Plant Biosecurity Strategy. It will focus on strategic areas related to new and emerging pests and diseases (prevention, detection, control, resilience), as well as identifying priority pests, diseases and pathways.
  • Research

    Integrated optimal rotation length modelling

    Optimal rotation length model, which accounts for timber production and climate change mitigation (in terms of carbon benefits) and adaptation (in terms of windthrow risks), is developed.