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Themes: Socio Economic Research

256 Search Results

  • Publications

    Trees and forests in British society – Ten years of social science

    Lead Author: Forest Research
    How Forest Research social and economic scientists have explored what Britain’s trees and woodlands mean to people, how they are used and how they can contribute to the social and cultural life of the country. Trees and forests in British society – Ten years of social science (PDF-1742K) Over the past 15 or so years, although generally […]
  • Publications

    Urban health and health inequalities and the role of urban forestry in Britain: A review

    Lead Author: Liz O’Brien
    This literature review (2010) explores urban health issues and health inequalities and identifies the links between trees, woods and forests and health in urban populations. It outlines current gaps in research and identifies potential opportunities for the Forestry Commission in England, Scotland and Wales to focus on health and well-being in urban areas. By Liz O’Brien, […]
  • Publications

    Estimating visitor and visit numbers to woodlands (2010 report)

    Lead Author: Liz O’Brien
    Final report that sets out the different methods that have and can be used by forest managers and practitioners to estimate visitor, visit and total numbers of visits to woodlands. This report builds on guidance on visitor monitoring produced by the Forestry Commission Economic and Statistics Group. By Liz O’Brien and Jake Morris.
  • Publications

    Social research and the Forestry Commission: Perceptions and applications

    Lead Author: Mariella Marzano
    Report from study that addressed how the knowledge and understanding of social research affects policy, planning, practice and outcomes within the Forestry Commission. By Mariella Marzano, Anna Lawrence and Bianca Ambrose-Oji. Related pages People, trees and woodlands Social forestry research
  • Publications

    Social benefits from the Forestry Commission public forest estate in England: Review of current evidence

    Lead Author: Anna Lawrence
    A review of the Forestry Commission's estate in England as part of a study to show how the estate contributes to society today and how it might sustainably serve society's long-term needs. By Anna Lawrence, Claudia Carter, Liz O’Brien and Rebecca Lovell.
  • Publications

    The Forestry Commission public forest estate in England: Social use, value and expectations (Summary)

    Lead Author: Anna Lawrence
    Summary report of study to provide evidence of the public value of the Forestry Commission Public Forest Estate in England and establish whether people have different perceptions and expectations of publicly owned forests compared to those in other forms of ownership. By Anna Lawrence and Claudia Carter.
  • Publications

    Social benefits from the Forestry Commission public forest Estate in England: Review of current evidence

    Lead Author: Anna Lawrence
    A review of the Forestry Commission's estate in England as part of a study to show how the estate contributes to society today and how it might sustainably serve society's long-term needs. By Anna Lawrence, Claudia Carter, Liz O’Brien and Rebecca Lovell. Related pages People, trees and woodlands Social forestry research
  • Publications

    The Forestry Commission public forest estate in England: Social use, value and expectations (Full report)

    Lead Author: Claudia Carter
    Final report from study to provide evidence of the public value of the Forestry Commission Public Forest Estate in England and establish whether people have different perceptions and expectations of publicly owned forests compared to those in other forms of ownership. By Claudia Carter, Anna Lawrence, Rebecca Lovell and Liz O’Brien.
  • Publications

    Forestry Commission working with civil society

    Lead Author: Bianca Ambrose-Oji
    Report detailing Forestry Commission England engagement and partnership working with third sector and civil society organisations. This is being used to prepare an action plan for the joint agency Third Sector statement (Compact) as well as inform government reviews of departmental engagement with civil society. August 2010. By: Bianca Ambrose-Oji, Jenny Wallace, Anna Lawrence, and Amy […]
  • Publications

    Social ‘barriers’ to woodfuel production from farm woods

    Lead Author: Norman Dandy
    Presentation to the Farm Woodlands Forum (June 2009). Woodfuel – social and economic dimensions This publication is part a series of reports and presentations from research to understand the challenges of using trees, woods and forests in an effective woodfuel sector, how and why private woodlands owners produce woodfuel, what forms of partnerships are appropriate and the […]
  • Publications

    Equality and inclusion of social diversity with respect to woods and forests in the UK: An evidence review

    Lead Author: Bianca Ambrose-Oji
    Research report summarising the available evidence of the impact of trees, woods and forests on different sections of British society. By Bianca Ambrose-Oji.
  • Publications

    Private landowners’ engagement with woodfuel production: a scoping study in Fife

    Lead Author: Joanna Secker Walker
    Survey to discover the attitudes and actions of private landowners in relation to options for woodfuel production and use. Woodfuel – social and economic dimensions This publication is part a series of reports and presentations from research to understand the challenges of using trees, woods and forests in an effective woodfuel sector, how and why private woodlands […]