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Themes: Pests And Diseases

266 Search Results

  • Research

    Management of great spruce bark beetle

    An environmentally sound method of pest management to control an alien pest, the great spruce bark beetle, Dendroctonus micans
  • Research

    Impact of pests and pathogens under changing management

    Testing the hypothesis that increasing the structural complexity of forest stands will lead to greater biological diversity which will lead to fewer pest problems
  • Publications

    Selecting nozzles for hand-held applicators

    Lead Author: Bill J Jones
    This Technical Note provides guidance on the selection of appropriate spray nozzle(s) for use in the application of pesticides. Influences on selection, such as type of target, weather conditions, pesticide formulation, spray equipment and spray quality, are described. Information is provided on the British Crop Protection Nozzle Code. Types of nozzle and their functions, care […]
  • Publications

    Managing and controlling invasive rhododendron

    Lead Author: Colin Edwards
    Invasive rhododendron presents a unique problem to the managers of any habitats it colonises. If left untreated, this aggressive weed can rapidly occupy the entire understorey of a range of woodland types, open spaces within woodlands and heathland habitats. This Practice Guide provides guidance on managing and controlling rhododendron in invaded habitats, including information on […]
  • Publications

    Mechanised Spraying Systems for Herbicide Use in Forestry

    Lead Author: Bill J Jones
    This Technical Note outlines these application methods and provides details on the components of mechanised sprayers and herbicide delivery systems. Information is also provided on pre- and post-storage maintenance, sprayer testing and spray drift management. Conclusions and recommendations give guidance for the use of mechanised sprayers in forestry.
  • Publications

    Planning and Managing Pesticide Stores

    Lead Author: Bill J Jones
    This Technical Note outlines legislation governing pesticide use and sets out training and certification requirements relevant to pesticide storage. It provides recommendations on planning, constructing and maintaining permanent and mobile pesticide stores and gives guidance on the management and safe storage of pesticides. Advice is also given on waste disposal, health and safety issues and […]
  • Research

    Preventing mammal damage to trees and woodland

    Options available for protecting trees and an assessment of each method
  • Research

    Mammal damage to trees and woodland

    Reducing the impact of mammal damage and of deer fences on sensitive species such as woodland grouse
  • Research

    Recognising types of mammal damage to trees and woodland

    Characteristics of damage by Wild deer, other wild mammals (including rabbits, hares, squirrels, mice, voles, edible dormice, moles and badgers) and domestic livestock
  • Publications

    [Archive] Birch dieback in Scotland

    Lead Author: Sarah Green
    A study was initiated in 2002 to examine the fungal pathology of birch dieback in Scotland. The main objectives of this project are to investigate the fungi infecting birch shoots in Scotland, identify the primary pathogens with the ability to infect healthy trees, determine the impact of these fungi on the national woodland resource, and […]
  • Research

    Impacts of large herbivores on woodlands

    Reducing damage caused by large herbivores and use as management tool to achieve biodiversity objectives
  • Publications