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468 Search Results for forests and climate change

  • Publications

    Wood you believe it? Children’s and young people’s perceptions of climate change

    Lead Author: Forest Research
    This research contributes towards our aim of assessing public understanding of climate change and the role of trees, woods and forests.
  • Tools and Resources

    Environmental benefits of woodland

    Woodland offers a wide range of benefits including environmental benefits
  • Publications

    Timber, carbon and wind risk: towards an integrated model of optimal rotation length

    Lead Author: Vadim Saraev
    Modern forest management practice increasingly adopts an ecosystem services approach to account for the multiple benefits and objectives of forestry. It is also increasingly linked to climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies. In view of the priority given to these policy agendas, it is important that new models take an integrated approach to accounting for […]
  • Service

    Key Actions 2022-2023

    Key Action Progress Produce a report for the Forestry Commission on wood properties and uses of larch in Britain. ACHIEVED Review and implement the Forest Research Data Strategy. ACHIEVED Implement the Changing the Way We Work change programme. ACHIEVED Deliver an update of the woodland carbon sequestration estimates for inclusion in the Woodland Carbon Code ‘Woodland Carbon Calculation Spreadsheet’, incorporating revisions based on […]
  • Tools and Resources

    2016 – Carbon sequestration

    In climate change reporting, removals to forestland, also called the forest sink, measures the net annual accumulation of carbon in forests by woody biomass, soils and litter. Table 4.2 and Figure 4.2 show estimates and projections of net carbon dioxide removals attributed to UK forestry, from 1990 to 2020. In the longer term, the annual rate […]
  • Publications

    Climate change: Impacts and adaptation in Scotland

    Lead Author: Forest Research
    By Duncan Ray Summary from Forest Research Annual Report and Accounts 2007-8. Related pages Climate change research
  • Publications

    Climate change and British woodland: What does the future hold?

    Lead Author: Mark Broadmeadow
    By Mark Broadmeadow et al. From Forest Research Annual Report and Accounts 2002-3. Related pages Climate change research
  • Media


    IUFRO_Shepherdstown_Evans_Trade_and_Climate_Change Evans H.F. (2008). Increasing global trade and climate change: co-factors increasing the international movement and establishment of forest pests. (PowerPoint presentation as pdf. )
  • Climate Change Hub


    The climate in England is changing, and these changes will impact on England’s trees, woodland, and forests.
  • Service

    Programme 2 Markets for forest products and services

    Summary of Programme The move to a low carbon economy is expected to place an increasing demand on timber and forest products and there is a need to increase our domestic production to support sustainable economic growth in the sector. Increasing demand for sustainable construction and infrastructure materials as well as biomass is expected. An over-arching objective […]
  • Publications

    Woodland and our changing environment

    Lead Author: Mark Broadmeadow
    By Mark Broadmeadow and Robert Matthews. Forestry Commission In Brief Factsheet. Related pages Climate change research
  • Publications

    The Environmental Change Network at Alice Holt Research Forest

    Lead Author: Suzanne Benham
    The Environmental Change Network (ECN) was established in 1992 to provide a framework for monitoring the effects of a range of environmental drivers on freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems. The Alice Holt ECN site represents the Forestry Commission’s commitment to this long-term collaborative programme. This Research Note reviews data collected at the Alice Holt site over […]