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Themes: Socio Economic Research

398 Search Results

  • Publications

    Woodland managers’ understanding of resilience and their future information needs

    This Research Note provides an investigation into private woodland owners’ and managers’ understanding of resilience in regard to forest and woodland management in the UK.
  • Publications

    Land managers behaviour and forest resilience

    Landowners and managers are being urged to change their behaviours and practice to increase forest resilience, this research describes some of the barriers to change including the different attitudes and beliefs of different kinds of land managers around uncertainty and risk, and the need for information and guidance which takes these perspectives into account.
  • Research

    Integrating research for policy and practice (2015-20)

    This research programme aims to develop new ways to understand, evaluate and communicate the impacts of research carried out by Forest Research and its partners across society, the economy and environment. Outputs include a series of case studies, and technical guidance to help embed impact generation into the research process.
  • Publications

    Influencing behaviour for resilient treescapes: Rapid Evidence Assessment

    Lead Author: Bianca Ambrose-Oji
    The Rapid Evidence Assessment considers the following: The impact of policy tools – grants, subsidies, programmes, provision of advice – on the response of land managers to tree pests and diseases The potential of formal networks to act as disseminators of information and knowledge, and mediators of change.
  • Research

    NHS Greenspace in Scotland

    NHS Greenspace in Scotland is being developed through a series of demonstration projects at different hospital sites. Staff, patients, visitors and local communities are the beneficiaries of improvements to NHS Greenspace.
  • Publications

    Outdoor learning: closing the attainment gap in primary schoolchildren in Scotland

    Lead Author: Jamie Hamilton
    This Research Note compares the performances of 71 primary schoolchildren carrying out curricular tasks in outdoor and indoor classroom settings. By observing, recording and analysing how the children performed in group activities taken from the Scottish curriculum, an evaluation could be made of the relative merits of indoor and outdoor learning. In general, the results […]
  • Research

    Exploring land manager views of payments for ecosystem services, networks and learning

    Research exploring evidence for land manager perceptions and understandings of the concept of payments for ecosystem services, the use of formal and informal networks and the ways in which land managers learn from others.
  • Research

    i-Tree Eco Evaluation

    Forest Research has produced a study which evaluates the impacts delivered by UK i-Tree Eco projects on the awareness, management and policy of urban forests. The study found some projects achieved significant impacts including informing tree and woodland policies and justifying greater investment in tree management. However the study also identified challenges which limited impacts of some projects, including difficulty in communicating results and the low priority of urban forests for local governments. The study provides recommendations to overcome these challenges to help guide the design and delivery of future i-Tree Eco projects.
  • Research

    Evaluation of the Mission: Invertebrate Programme

    In 2017 the social scientists at Forest Research undertook an evaluation of the Mission Invertebrate programme run by The Royal Parks in London.
  • Research

    Visitor experiences and impressions of Bedgebury: the Pinetum and wider forest

    The Forestry Commission wanted to understand more about how visitors to Bedgebury use the Pinetum and wider forest. Forest Research social scientists investigated the experiences and opinions of visitors to Bedgebury through a series of focus groups and trail walks with participants through the forest.
  • Research

    Economics of risk and tipping points: approaches to valuing forest resilience

    A review of economic approaches to risk and uncertainty, tipping points and resilience in forestry. A conceptual framework for the resilience valuation and its interaction with risk is proposed
  • Research

    Developing multi-stand / CCF version of optimal rotation length prototype model

    Explores optimal management in a multi-stand / Continuous Cover Forestry (CCF) setting and various ecosystem services and benefits provided by complex forests.