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467 Search Results for forests and climate change

  • Tools and Resources

    Carbon, GHG and energy studies

    A selection of papers and reports on topics related to carbon and greenhouse gas impacts of biomass energy and energy balances
  • Tools and Resources

    Climate Matching Tool

    The climate matching tool provides a visualisation of regions with a similar climate to the climate projection for any location in Europe. It gives an indication of the climate that trees are likely to experience in the future.
  • Publications

    Factsheet: Climate change and insect pests of trees

    Will the impact of damaging forest insects increase? Insects provide many critical ecosystem services, such as pollination, decomposition and pest control. Many beneficial insects appear to be in decline, due to habitat loss, pesticide use and climate change. Only a few insect species have become damaging pests of trees, but their occurrence and impact may unfortunately […]
  • Publications

    Climate change: impacts and adaptation in England’s woodlands

    Lead Author: Duncan Ray
    The changing climate presents a challenge for forest planning and forest management in England because the projected increases in temperature, changes in the seasonality of rainfall, and an increased frequency of extreme events add complexity to species selection and silvicultural practice. By actively adjusting forest management now, to anticipate future changes, we can hope to […]
  • Publications

    Understanding the carbon and greenhouse gas balance of forests in Britain

    Lead Author: James Morison
    Forests and woodlands represent a substantial stock of carbon that is contained in soil, trees and other vegetation. They are a key component of the global carbon cycle and their effective management, at both global and regional scales, is an important mechanism for reducing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Understanding what determines the size of […]
  • Tools and Resources
  • Publications

    Understanding the greenhouse gas (GHG) implications of forestry on peat soils in Scotland

    Lead Author: Forest Research
    Understanding the consequences of forestry activity on peat soil organic carbon (SOC) and greenhouse gas (GHG) balance. Report compiled by Forest Research for Forestry Commission Scotland, September 2010. By James Morison et al. Related pages Climate change research
  • Publications

    Benefits of green infrastructure – summary report

    Lead Author: Forest Research
    A Summary Report by Forest Research providing evidence on the positive benefits which green infrastructure brings to society. A Technical Report is also available: Benefits of green infrastructure. By Land Regeneration and Urban Greenspace, Centre for Forestry and Climate Change.
  • Media

    Demonstrating climate change adaptation in Alice Holt Forest

    UKFS026 case study 5 - Demonstrating climate change adaptation in Alice Holt Forest
  • Climate Change Hub


    The climate in Scotland is changing, and these changes will impact on Scotland’s trees and forests.
  • Tools and Resources

    Tree species and provenance

    Information on over 60 species that are either widely grown in British forests at the present time or which could play an increasing role in the future. Focus is on species which could be expected to produce usable timber in British conditions. Pages outline the natural distribution, summarise our knowledge of their site and climatic preferences and other silvicultural characteristics, and briefly cover information on suitable seed origins and provenances.
  • Publications

    Benefits of green infrastructure

    Lead Author: Forest Research
    An in-depth technical report by Forest Research providing a synthesis of the evidence on the positive benefits which green infrastructure brings to society. A summary report is also available: Benefits of green infrastructure – summary report. By Land Regeneration and Urban Greenspace, Centre for Forestry and Climate Change.