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418 Search Results for Socio economic research

  • Publications

    Factors influencing woodfuel production by private landowners: a scoping study in Fife

    Lead Author: Joanna Secker Walker
    Presentation to the Farm Woodlands Forum (June 2009) Woodfuel – social and economic dimensions This publication is part a series of reports and presentations from research to understand the challenges of using trees, woods and forests in an effective woodfuel sector, how and why private woodlands owners produce woodfuel, what forms of partnerships are appropriate and the […]
  • Publications

    Stakeholder perceptions of short-rotation forestry for energy – Literature review

    Lead Author: Norman Dandy
    Research conducted in order to further understanding of the social viability of short-rotation forestry in the British landscape. Woodfuel – social and economic dimensions This publication is part a series of reports and presentations from research to understand the challenges of using trees, woods and forests in an effective woodfuel sector, how and why private woodlands owners […]
  • Publications

    Engagement with Nature and Covid-19 Restrictions

    Lead Author: Liz O’Brien
    Report from a study exploring people’s connection with trees, woodlands and wider nature before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. An online survey ran from mid-June until the end of July 2020. This publication reports on the findings of the survey.
  • Publications

    Trees and woodlands: Nature’s health service

    Lead Author: Liz O'Brien
    This publication provides information and evidence supporting the idea that the use and enjoyment of woodlands and green spaces improves people’s overall health and well-being. By Liz O'Brien. Forward by Sir Liam Donaldson – Chief Medical Officer for England. November 2005. Executive summary Trees and woodlands: nature’s health service is aimed at a wide range of health professionals and environmental […]
  • Publications

    Why society needs nature

    This was a joint collaborative piece of work between Natural Resources Wales, Forest Research, Natural England, NatureScot and the Environment Agency. It aimed to bring together and summarise research conducted in each organisation concerning how people, both adults and children, visited green and blue natural spaces during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, and their experiences […]
  • Publications

    Valuing the mental health benefits of woodlands – In Brief

    This research is the first of its kind to value the mental health benefits associated with the UK’s woodlands
  • Publications

    The economic and social contribution of forestry for people in Scotland – Summary report

    Lead Author: David Edwards
    Results of a research project aiming to provide a comprehensive valuation of the current social and economic benefits of Scottish forestry, forests and woodlands derived by the people of Scotland. By David Edwards, Jake Morris, Liz O’Brien, Vadims Sarajevs and Gregory Valatin. Forestry Commission Research Note 102. Related pages People, trees and woodlands Social forestry research
  • Publications

    Trees Outside of Woodland: An exploration of social and cultural values

    A photo essay based on interviews with 16 arts and humanities practitioners and academics, focusing on their relationship with Trees Outside of Woodland. Key themes that emerge include childhood memories and experiences, emotional connections and the interconnectedness of humans and nature.
  • Publications

    Cultural value of trees, woods and forests – Executive Summary

    Lead Author: Paul Tabbush
    Summary from study that explored how cultural values are identified, explored and taken into account in forest planning and decision-making processes. You may also download the full report(PDF-438K) here. By Paul Tabbush.
  • Publications

    Increasing tree cover on dairy farms in England: The role of farmers’ values

    Lead Author: Maddy Pearson
    This Research Report explores the issues that matter to dairy farmers in England regarding trees and increasing tree cover on farms. It looks beyond financial considerations to explore the other factors which guide and shape farmer attitudes and behaviours in this area. Understanding the range of values held by farmers in relation to trees allows […]
  • Publications

    Wild harvests from Scottish woodlands: social, cultural and economic values of contemporary non-timber forest products

    Lead Author: Marla Emery
    The research reported in this publication was designed to document social, cultural, economic and environmental characteristics of current non-timber forest product gatherer practices and perceptions and explore their implications for forest policy and management.Collecting wild plant materials and fungi is a valued part of the lives of the people who participated in this project, and […]
  • Publications

    Economic benefits of greenspace

    Lead Author: Vadims Sarajevs
    A substantial body of literature, including government policies, acknowledges the important role of greenspace in sustainable development and the creation of attractive and economically vibrant communities. Greenspace refers to the natural environmental components (green and blue spaces) that lie within and between a region’s cities, towns and villages. This Research Report provides a critical review […]