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311 Search Results for Land reclamation

  • Tools and Resources

    Woodland area

    Woodland Area Data Sources and Methodology Woodland Area Data on woodland area in the UK presented in this release are derived from the following sources: Forestry Commission and Natural Resources Wales administrative records of FC/NRW land areas; National Forest Inventory (NFI) woodland map (GB); Statistics on new planting in Great Britain; Northern Ireland Woodland Register; Forest Service administrative records of FS woodland areas […]
  • Publications

    A review of the effects of forest management intensity on ecosystem services for northern European temperate forests with a focus on the UK

    Lead Author: Louise Sing
    Abstract Ecosystem services (ES) are the benefits that people receive from ecosystems. Understanding the impact of forest management on their supply can inform policy and practice for meeting societal demand. The objectives of this paper are to identify and review the effect of management intensity on priority ES supply and identify synergies and trade-offs among ES […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] An ecological site classification for forestry in Great Britain

    Lead Author: Graham Pyatt
    Ecological Site Classification (ESC) will help forest managers to select tree species, and to make related decisions based on an appreciation of the ecological potential of sites. The classification focuses on the key factors of site that influence tree growth, and that are important to the rest of the ecosystem. This site-orientated approach to tree […]
  • Publications

    Valuing flood regulation services of existing forest cover to inform natural capital accounts

    Background Forests are recognised to reduce flood flows, although the issue is complex and continues to be explored. While the processes of how trees affect the generation and conveyance of flood waters are understood, there remains a lack of monitoring data to quantify effects at the catchment scale (click here to visit the WWNP evidence base webpage). This […]
  • Tools and Resources

    2019 – Woodland area by age: conifers

    Table 1.6 presents the area of conifers, broken down by age class, ownership and country.  Sixty-one percent of the coniferous woodland area in Great Britain was occupied by stands of 40 years old or younger (Table 1.6). A further 9% of stands were aged over 60 years. Table 1.6 Stocked woodland area in GB by ownership and age class: Conifers Age class […]
  • Tools and Resources

    Social and environmental justice

    How social and environmental justice affects how people from different social groups use and access green space
  • Tools and Resources

    Social Statistics

    details of visitor and recreation surveys
  • Tools and Resources

    Culture and heritage

    How cultural and historical heritage can improve the quality and value of urban green infrastructure, opportunities and practical considerations
  • Tools and Resources

    Other potential emissions

    Additional emissions can also potentially arise from the combustion of contaminated, treated or inappropriate fuels
  • Tools and Resources

    2019 – New planting and restocking: time series

    Figure 1.6 shows areas of new planting by country since the year ending March 1976. Trends in new planting rates have been influenced by changes to the incentives available to landowners (in the form of grants and regulations). In recent years, areas of new planting in the UK have dropped to lows of under 6 thousand […]
  • Tools and Resources

    2019 – Woodland area by age: broadleaves

    Table 1.7 presents the area of broadleaves, broken down by age class, ownership and country. Around one half (53%) of the broadleaved area was occupied by stands of 40 years old or younger (Table 1.7). More than one quarter (28%) of stands were aged over 60 years. Table 1.7 Stocked woodland area in GB by ownership and […]
  • Tools and Resources

    2018 – Woodland area and planting

    Introduction The definition of woodland in United Kingdom forestry statistics is land under stands of trees with a canopy cover of at least 20% (or having the potential to achieve this), including integral open space, and including felled areas that are awaiting restocking. There is no minimum height for trees to form a woodland at maturity, so […]