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Themes: Tree Breeding

237 Search Results

  • Publications

    [Archive] The timbers of farm woodland trees

    Lead Author: J.D. Brazier
    Farmers are being encouraged to grow trees on surplus agricultural land as part of government policy effected through the Farm Woodland Scheme. The efficient production of timber is profitable, providing raw material for industry, yet it does not preclude other important objectives such as landscape design, amenity considerations, game management and wildlife conservation. The production […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Forest nursery herbicides (1989)

    Lead Author: D.R. Williamson
    In this Occasional paper information is given on the application of forest nursery herbicides. Much of this information is based on Forestry Commission trials. A brief description of the types of herbicide is given followed by information on the various herbicides which can be used at the different growth stages of forest nursery stock.Note: This […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Mechanical characteristics of Sitka spruce

    Lead Author: B.A. Gardiner
    This Occasional Paper details a series of tests which have been carried out on 10 Sitka spruce trees about 15 metres tall in order to determine their mechanical characteristics. This information is necessary for the design of model trees for use in wind-tunnel studies of airflow over forests.
  • Publications

    [Archive] The silviculture and yield of wild cherry

    Lead Author: S.N. Pryor
    The silvicultural characteristics of Prunus avium are described, based on a study in which over 40 stands throughout Britain were visited.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Natural regeneration of broadleaves

    Lead Author: J. Evans
    Natural regeneration can broadly be defined as raising a forest crop without resorting to planting, direct sowing or coppicing. It is the random nature of exactly where young trees spring up on a site and sometimes of the species which grow that marks out natural regeneration, not freedom from man’s influence. Indeed, many naturally regenerated […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] British softwoods: properties and uses

    Lead Author: T. Harding
    This Bulletin provides the information for specifiers and users to make maximum use of the increasing British resource of softwoods. Its main purpose is to establish the link between requirements for current and potential end-uses and the properties and performance of these commercially important timbers. A guide to the properties of the individual species is […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Forest health surveys 1987 Part 2: Analysis and interpretation

    Lead Author: J.L. Innes
    The aim of this part of the report is to interpret, as far as possible, the results of the 1987 survey of forest health (Bulletin 74) by attempting to establish the cause(s) of the low crown densities and the crown discoloration observed in five of our most important tree species: Sitka spruce, Norway spruce, Scots […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Farm woodland planning

    Lead Author: H. Insley (Ed)
    This Bulletin is intended to provide farmers and farm advisers who are planning to enter farm woodland planting and management with the management information required to plan and budget the operation. It seeks to achieve this by providing the facts farmers need to gear up their businesses in terms of planning, financial and operational aspects […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Predicting the productivity of Sitka spruce on upland sites in northern Britain

    Lead Author: R. Worrell
    The research described in this Bulletin integrates the main environmental factors influencing the growth of Sitka spruce at high elevations in order to estimate future yield class.
  • Publications

    [Archive] The yield of sweet chestnut coppice

    Lead Author: T.J.D. Rollinson
    This Bulletin reports on coppice growth and yield in relation to site and various stand characteristics and shows how volume or weight per hectare may be predicted from very simple measurements.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Choice of seed origins for the main forest species in Britain

    Lead Author: R. Lines
    Choice of seed origin can be a very critical stage in forest management, in some cases resulting either in flourishing plantations or else in complete failure. This Bulletin is directed at both manager and researchers. The former are succinctly guided to appropriate seed origins for their site conditions and objectives, and equally importantly warned off […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Price-size curves for conifers

    Lead Author: D.C. Mitlin
    This Bulletin describes the development of the long-term price assumptions used by the Forestry Commission for estimating future timber revenues.