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Themes: Climate Change

275 Search Results

  • Research

    Urban trees and greenspace in a changing climate

    Research to understand the contribution that urban trees make with respect to: the resilience of current and planned urban tree stocks to climate change, their role in regulating temperatures, and water management in urban areas
  • Research

    EU Forest Action Plan: urban and peri-urban forests

    The page summarises a workshop in 2011 between forestry experts and stakeholders, European Commission staff and representatives from Member States to discuss urban and peri-urban forestry (UPF) initiatives and recommend EU-wide action to drive the UPF agenda forward.
  • Publications

    Costs and revenues of transformation to continuous cover forestry

    Lead Author: Owen Davies
    Study modelling silvicultural options with Sitka spruce showing how transformation to continuous cover forestry can be a good economic option compared with clearfelling and replanting. This is accompanied by an Analysis spreadsheet (MS Excel®-3813 KB) that enables practitioners and policymakers to change input costs, product specifications, roadside prices and the discount rate to suit their local […]
  • Publications

    Forests and carbon: valuation, discounting and risk management

    Lead Author: Gregory Valatin
    Carbon valuation, discounting and risk management are important in ensuring that effective incentives are put in place to tackle climate change, and in comparing the relative merits of climate mitigation activities over time. Approaches applied in different contexts, including in relation to permanence issues, are reviewed in order to help inform development by the Forestry […]
  • Publications

    Forests and carbon: a review of additionality

    Lead Author: Gregory Valatin
    Additionality is a core aspect of quality assurance of greenhouse gas emissions reduction and sequestration activities, being used in a climate change context to mean net abatement over and above that which would have arisen anyway in the absence of a given activity or project. The underlying rationale of is to distinguish activities which further […]
  • Research

    The social value and governance of street trees

    The page summarises Forest Research’s work to identify the social and cultural values of street trees and determine the formal and informal rules and regulations that influence their management.
  • Publications

    Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) forests in Atlantic Europe: forest management approach and projected climate change

    Mason, W.L. & Perks, M. (2011). Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) forests in Atlantic Europe: forest management approach and projected climate change. Scandinavian J. Forest Research. 26, 72-81.
  • Publications

    The potential for Eucalyptus as a wood fuel in the UK. Applied Energy

    Lead Author: A. D. Leslie
    Leslie, A.D., Mencuccini, M. & Perks, M.P. (2011). The potential for Eucalyptus as a wood fuel in the UK. Applied Energy, 89, 176-182.
  • Publications

    Thinning practice – a silvicultural guide

    Lead Author: Gary Kerr
    The underlying silvicultural principles which make up good thinning practice and guidance on applying thinning in the most common situations of forest management. By Gary Kerr and Jens Haufe. Related pages Continuous cover silviculture Integrated establishment systems for the uplands Management of upland native woodlands Woodland and habitat management publications
  • Research

    The contribution of trees, woods and forests to quality of life

    This page summarises Forest Research’s research and policy review and comprehensive inventory of evidence and practical programmes to develop greenspace in urban/peri-urban regeneration, place-making and place-shaping.
  • Research

    Review: street tree valuation systems

    The page summarises the findings of Forest Research’s assessment of three systems for calculating the amenity value of street trees.
  • Research

    Estimating amenity values of street trees and woodland views: a methodological review

    The page summarises the findings of Forest Research’s review into methodologies for estimating the benefits (amenity value) delivered by street trees and woodland views.