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218 Search Results for Measuring, modelling and forecasting

  • Publications

    [Archive] Price-size curves for broadleaves

    Lead Author: A. Whiteman
    This paper sets out the techniques used to survey and analyse prices, discusses the relevant factors in the price formation process, and presents price-size curves for a variety of crops.
  • Publications

    [Archive] The wood production outlook in Britain – a review

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    The increasing concern throughout the world about the future availability of fossil fuels and other finite resources has emphasised the need for appraising the balance of wood demand and supply into the next century, and in particular its implications for wood production and forest strategy in Great Britain. This led the Forestry Commissioners to invite […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Alternative silvicultural systems to clearcutting in Britain: a review

    Lead Author: Cyril Hart
    This Bulletin is written for landowners and foresters who wish to convert all or part of a wood or forest from pure, regular, uniform, even-aged stands to mixed, irregular, uneven-aged stands – in particular for those who desire to use silvicultural systems alternative to that of extensive clearcutting, with a view to achieving diverse structure […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Predicting the productivity of Sitka spruce on upland sites in northern Britain

    Lead Author: R. Worrell
    The research described in this Bulletin integrates the main environmental factors influencing the growth of Sitka spruce at high elevations in order to estimate future yield class.
  • Publications

    [Archive] British softwoods: properties and uses

    Lead Author: T. Harding
    This Bulletin provides the information for specifiers and users to make maximum use of the increasing British resource of softwoods. Its main purpose is to establish the link between requirements for current and potential end-uses and the properties and performance of these commercially important timbers. A guide to the properties of the individual species is […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Forest health surveys 1987 Part 2: Analysis and interpretation

    Lead Author: J.L. Innes
    The aim of this part of the report is to interpret, as far as possible, the results of the 1987 survey of forest health (Bulletin 74) by attempting to establish the cause(s) of the low crown densities and the crown discoloration observed in five of our most important tree species: Sitka spruce, Norway spruce, Scots […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] The yield of sweet chestnut coppice

    Lead Author: T.J.D. Rollinson
    This Bulletin reports on coppice growth and yield in relation to site and various stand characteristics and shows how volume or weight per hectare may be predicted from very simple measurements.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Production and use of tubed seedlings

    Lead Author: Alan J. Low
    The production and use of tubed conifer seedlings in Britain have been studied between 1968 and 1973 in an extensive research and development programme based initially on Canadian practice. Results from the many nursery and forest experiments are described and form the basis for practical recommendations (see Chapter 6) on raising and planting tubed seedlings.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Growth and yield of conifers in Great Britain

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    This publication is a revision of Bulletin 3, ‘Rate of Growth of Conifers in the British Isles’. In this revised work the original tables for European larch, Scots pine and Norway spruce have been retained unaltered, while complete yield tables for Douglas fir and Corsican pine have been added. Further, a revised preliminary yield table […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Rate of growth of conifers in the British Isles

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    A survey for the collection of statistics as to the rate of growth and production of timber was begun in the summer of 1917, at a time when the large demands for timber required for military purposes and the mining industry were being met mainly from British woods. Extensive fellings were in progress in all […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Collection of data as to the rate of growth of timber

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    This Bulletin discusses the procedure to follow to undertake an assessment of the silvicultural possibilities of the woodlands and uncultivated lands in Britain. Two factors involved in any such assessment: (a) The quantity of timber, and (b) The quality of timber produced, under given conditions. This Bulletin deals chiefly with the quantity of timber produced.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Investment appraisal in forestry

    Lead Author: R.J.N. Busby
    The purpose of this Booklet is to outline the basic concepts of investment appraisal as they apply to forestry, to provide tables of use in appraisal and to illustrate their application to a variety of cases in forestry.