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492 Search Results for Ecosystem services

  • Publications

    [Archive] Thetford Forest Park: the ecology of a pine forest

    Lead Author: Philip Ratcliffe
    This Technical Paper includes papers from the Thetford symposium of 1991. The symposium was designed to gather together the results of a wide range of research which collectively have added greatly to our understanding of this pine forest ecosystem and influenced its management. The intended audience is woodland managers and ecologists and anyone with an […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Forest bird communities

    Lead Author: S.J. Petty
    This review discusses the ecology and management of forest bird communities in relation to silvicultural practices in the British uplands. The review provides forest managers with information on how bird communities function in a dynamic forest environment and what foresters can do to achieve a richer, better balanced avifauna within their forest. It also provides […]
  • Publications

    Recreational use of forests and disturbance of wildlife

    Lead Author: Mariella Marzano
    Forests are popular places for recreation, but some activities can have negative impacts on wildlife. Land managers have to balance delivery of the social and economic benefits derived from outdoor recreation with nature conservation objectives. This literature review provides an overview of potential disturbance issues and a guide to the evidence on impacts from walking, […]
  • Publications

    Biodiversity in fragmented landscapes

    Lead Author: Amy Eycott
    Maintaining species’ movement around landscapes is considered important if we are to conserve populations of many species and help them adapt to climate change. Particular features in the landscape have the potential to hinder or facilitate species movement. As each species interacts with the landscape differently, it can be hard to extract general patterns to […]
  • Publications

    Species preference of small mammals for direct-sown tree and shrub seeds

    Lead Author: Matt Parratt
    Direct seeding can be a useful method for creating new woodland on former agricultural sites. However, the success of the technique is variable when it is used to restore conifer plantation sites to native species. Seed predation by small mammals, particularly the wood mouse, has been identified as a factor potentially limiting success. Small mammals […]
  • Publications

    Managing forests for white-tailed eagles

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission (Scotland)
    White-tailed eagles (sea eagles) were re-introduced to Scotland from the 1970s and there are now over 50 breeding pairs. They frequently nest and roost in woodlands and tend to use habitual nest sites. The species has a high degree of legal protection, and woodland managers need to plan operations carefully to avoid disturbing the birds […]
  • Publications

    Conserving and managing trees and woodlands in Scotland’s designed landscapes

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission (Scotland)
    Since Medieval times, designed landscapes have evolved and at times changed dramatically in style and character. Throughout all periods and recognised styles however, trees have been an essential feature. In the 20th century social and economic changes proved challenging times for land management, with a combination of estate fragmentation, decline and changed land-use policies, specifically […]
  • Publications

    Achieving diversity in Scotland’s forest landscapes

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission (Scotland)
    Diversity in forests is essential to conserve biodiversity and expand habitats, and to contribute towards enhancing landscape quality and recreation opportunities. In addition, introducing species and age diversity throughout a forest can increase their resilience to pests, diseases and fire, and extend economic opportunities. This Practice Guide offers advice and ideas from which a forest manager […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] The native woodland resource in the Scottish highlands

    Lead Author: Neil A. Mackenzie
    Provides a summary account of the present extent, distribution, composition and condition of the native woodlands of the Highlands, which at over 210,000 ha is substantially greater than had previously been recognised. Half is of natural origin and half is of planted origin native woodland. Birch, Scots pine and oak are the commonest native species. […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Management of forests for capercaillie in Scotland

    Lead Author: Robert Moss
    The aim of this Bulletin is to summarise the best current information about the birds’ requirements and to provide guidelines for forest management which will benefit capercaillie. As far as possible, we base our recommendations on well-documented facts. Where hard data are not available, we make informed guesses based on anecdotal natural history and casual […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Forests and wood ants in Scotland

    Lead Author: Jonathan Hughes
    This Information Note provides information on the northern wood ant Formica lugubris, the Scottish wood ant Formica aquilonia and the narrow-headed ant Formica exsecta. Information is presented on the legal and conservation status, ecology, habitat requirements and management of these three species. The Note is aimed at a wide range of people with interests in […]
  • Publications