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Themes: Forest Management

596 Search Results

  • Publications

    Managing Native Broadleaved Woodland

    What native broadleaved woodland managers need to know; a new handbook that provides answers to questions that woodland managers ask and covers topics including use of grazing animals, uneven aged silviculture and management for nature conservation.
  • Publications

    The impact of forests and forest management on slope stability

    Lead Author: Victoria Stokes
    Can continuous cover forestry management improve slope stability? By Victoria Stokes. Internal report to the Forestry Commission, 2011. Related pages Continuous cover silviculture Integrated establishment systems for the uplands Management of upland native woodlands Woodland and habitat management publications
  • Publications

    Business Sustainability pack

    This pack presents some of the key Forestry Commission initiatives that we have undertaken as part of our commitment to making our business more sustainable. It explains the background to the Environmental Management System that underpins our business sustainability programme, and gives examples of major construction projects that demonstrate best practice in sustainable design and […]
  • Publications

    Identifying the historic environment in Scotland’s forests and woodlands

    Lead Author: Matthew Ritchie
    Identifying the historic environment in Scotland’s forests and woodlands has been prepared by Forestry Commission Scotland and Archaeology Scotland as an aid to forestry and woodland managers when considering the historic environment in their stewardship. The principal purpose of this practice guide is to provide an accessible introduction to exploring ‘archaeology in the field’. Archaeological and […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Choice of Douglas fir seed sources for use in British forests

    Lead Author: A.M. Fletcher
    Douglas fir plays a particular role in the production of quality timber and is also important for other multipurpose forestry uses. Due to the extent of its natural range in Pacific north-west America, a range of material from natural populations and tree improvement programmes has been evaluated in field trials to identify the most well-adapted […]
  • Publications

    The evidence supporting the use of continuous cover forestry in adapting Scotland’s forests to the risks of climate change

    Lead Author: Victoria Stokes
    Report to Forestry Commission Scotland summarising the role of Continuous Cover Forestry in future climate conditions. By Victoria Stokes and Gary Kerr. Related pages Continuous cover silviculture Integrated establishment systems for the uplands Management of upland native woodlands Woodland and habitat management publications
  • Publications

    Ffeithiau a ffigurau’r coedwigaeth 2009

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    Crynodeb o ystadegau ynglyn a choetiroedd a choedwigoedd
  • Publications

    Forestry facts and figures 2009

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    A summary of statistics about woodland and forestry
  • Publications

    Using acoustic tools in forestry and the wood supply chain

    Lead Author: Shaun Mochan
    The demands for sustainably produced wood as a raw material for a variety of end uses is placing increased pressure on the forest resource in the UK. Knowledge of the timber properties of trees and logs is important to ensure that harvested wood is directed to its most appropriate end use. Current harvesting practice in […]
  • Publications

    Publications on woodfuel

    Harvesting, drying, preparation and processing of wood fuels and best practice and advice on woodfuel production
  • Publications

    Publications on integrated management of forestry operations

    Publications about integrated management issues relevant across a wide range of forest opertaions with recommendations and best practice guidance
  • Publications

    Publications on harvesting and transport

    Large and small scale harvesting systems and operations including harvesting, extraction, environmental protection, operator health and safety, and value adding operations such as sawmilling