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Themes: Pests And Diseases

266 Search Results

  • Research

    Tree health stakeholders: attitudes, activities and roles

    This page summarises Forest Research’s work in a Defra-funded project to identify and analyse all stakeholders involved in monitoring and protecting the health of trees in the UK.
  • Publications

    Monitoring the oak processionary moth with Pheromone traps

    Lead Author: Nigel A Straw
    The oak processionary moth is a serious forestry pest that is capable of causing complete defoliation of oak trees. Its caterpillars are also a hazard to health. Breeding populations of the moth were discovered for the first time in the UK in London in 2006 and these initial infestations have since spread and the moth […]
  • Publications

    Ash dieback disease – Pest Alert

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    Ash dieback is a disease of ash trees caused by a fungus called Chalara fraxinea. The disease causes leaf loss and crown dieback in affected trees and it may lead to tree death. This Pest Alert provides information on distribution, symptoms, how the disease spreads and what you can do to help, as well as […]
  • Publications

    Modelling ecological networks and dispersal in grey squirrels

    Lead Author: Claire Stevenson
    Understanding the role of the landscape matrix in species dispersal is important when targeting conservation and management strategies. This Research Note shows how least-cost modelling was used to assess invasive grey squirrel Sciurus carolinensis dispersal movements within the UK, with a focus on the county of Cumbria. Two major networks were identified separated by the […]
  • Publications

    Asian longhorn beetle – Pest Alert

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    The Asian longhorn beetle, a native to China and southeast Asia, is an invasive pest of trees in Britain. The larvae of the beetle feed on the wood of a wide range of broadleaved trees, which causes damage and will ultimately kill affected trees. The beetle has caused extensive damage to trees where it has […]
  • Publications

    Minimising the impact of the great spruce bark beetle

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    The great spruce bark beetle is found in forests throughout continental Europe. It damages spruce trees by tunnelling into the bark of the living trees to lay its eggs under the bark. The developing larvae feed on the inner woody layers, which weakens, and in some cases may kill, the tree. The beetle was first […]
  • Publications

    Tree pest and disease posters

    A selection of posters that can be downloaded as PDFs and then printed at a size to suit (up to A0 size). These were mostly produced for the 2012 APF show and have been popular as posters to display in offices or places of work. Each poster shows a selection of images relating to the pest or disease and web links to where you can source more information.
  • Research

    The influence of a changing climate on development and life cycle in the pine weevil, Hylobius abietis

    Research into the influence of a changing climate on development and life cycle of the pine weevil, Hylobius abietis
  • Research

    Development of improved methods for detection, control and eradication of pine wood nematodes in support of EU Plant Health Policy (REPHRAME)

    Extending the capability of existing models to identify the risk posed by pine wood nematodes to the rest of Europe and the possible impact of climate change on its spread
  • Publications

    Dothistroma needle blight – Field guide 2012

    Lead Author: Forest Research
    Sampling guidance, symptoms and further information.
  • Publications

    Salt damage to trees

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    Pathology Advisory Note 11 Describes the symptoms of damage caused by de-icing salt. This document details signs and symptoms of the named tree pest(s) or disease(s) and provides advice on what to do if you suspect the pest or disease is present. Related pages Research and advice on tree pests and diseases Tree Health Diagnostic and Advisory Service Tree pest and […]
  • Research

    Pathway evaluation and pest risk management in transport (PERMIT)

    Forests are particularly vulnerable to movements of Invasive Alien Species. Multiple pathways for transfer of pests internationally are poorly characterised, leading to increasing transfer and establishment of new damaging organisms. This EU COST Action FP1002 aims to address this shortfall in knowledge and practice, and focus on reducing threats from exotic pests through promoting enhanced pathway management.