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Themes: Tree Breeding

237 Search Results

  • Publications

    [Archive] Water storage of timber: experience in Britain

    Lead Author: Joan Webber (Ed)
    From time to time a calamity such as forest fire or violent storm requires that timber is salvaged quickly. Where such timber is plantation grown the investment loss that major destruction brings is catastrophic unless the most valuable timber can be saved and then marketed in an orderly way. This Bulletin reports on a successful […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Experiments on lodgepole pine seed origins in Britain

    Lead Author: Roger Lines
    The range of lodgepole pine extends over 26 million hectares of north-west America, where climates vary from the bitter cold Yukon to the very mild Californian coast. It occurs from sea level to 3900 min elevation. Over millions of years it evolved into a species which shows more variability than any other conifer. Practical forest […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Alternative silvicultural systems to clearcutting in Britain: a review

    Lead Author: Cyril Hart
    This Bulletin is written for landowners and foresters who wish to convert all or part of a wood or forest from pure, regular, uniform, even-aged stands to mixed, irregular, uneven-aged stands – in particular for those who desire to use silvicultural systems alternative to that of extensive clearcutting, with a view to achieving diverse structure […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Creating and managing woodlands around towns

    Lead Author: Simon J. Hodge
    This Handbook describes how to plan, create and manage urban woodlands. The primary role of urban forestry is to provide multi-purpose woodlands which improve the quality of daily life for the 46 million urban people of Britain and so the Handbook goes beyond the technical issues of establishing and managing trees to encompass community involvement, […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Champion trees in the British Isles

    Lead Author: Alan F. Mitchell
    Measurements of exceptional trees have been recorded for a considerable number of years: initially out of curiosity, especially about maximum size, and then to investigate the potential for growth and productivity according to species and situation. The Forestry Commission tree register provided all the measurements for early editions of this title. The register was begun […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Creating new native woodlands

    Lead Author: John Rodwell
    This Bulletin combines expertise in woodland ecology and up-to-date silvicultural knowledge.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Forest nursery practice (2ed)

    Lead Author: J.R. Aldhous
    This Bulletin, written by experts in their field, describes techniques involved in successful production of bare-rooted and cell- (small container-) grown stock of the tree species most widely planted in United Kingdom forestry. The subjects covered include: formation of new nurseries; maintenance of the fertility of existing nurseries; procurement of seed; production of seedlings and […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Deterioration of fine tree roots during cold storage in two contrasting winters

    Lead Author: Helen McKay
    Electrolyte leakage from fine roots was measured before and after 30 and 90 days cold storage. The effect of the entry date and the length of cold storage were examined during the exceptionally mild winter of 1989-90 and the more typical winter of 1990-91. In the first year, roots from 2-year-old transplants and undercuts of […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Forest nursery herbicides

    Lead Author: David Williamson
    Information is given on the use of forest nursery herbicides. Much of this information is based on the results of Forestry Commission experiments. A brief description of the types of herbicides is given followed by information on the various herbicides which can be used at the different stages of forest nursery stock production. This publication […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Growing broadleaves for timber

    Lead Author: Gary Kerr
    Growing broadleaves for timber describes the silvicultural principles and practices involved in growing quality broadleaved timber in Britain. The aim of this Handbook is to update and expand one aspect of Forestry Commission Bulletin 62 Silviculture of broadleaved woodland, to focus attention on one single objective: growing high quality hardwood. This objective usually integrates well […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Classification and presentation of softwood sawlogs (2nd edition)

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    These recommendations are agreed by Forest Enterprise, the British Timber Merchants' Association, and the UK Softwood Sawmillers Association. The normal practice of the Forestry Commission will be to classify parcels of sawlogs offered for sale into four categories: green, red, short green, and log pole, for which descriptions are given. The FC aims to maximise […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Super Sitka for the 90s

    Lead Author: D.A. Rook
    This Bulletin presents the information from a meeting in 1990 which was focused on Sitka spruce in Britain. The keynote speaker discussed the use of cuttings in spruce plantations throughout the world. A series of speakers then dealt with the following aspects, all of which are provided in this Bulletin: breeding strategy and levels of […]