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Themes: Forest Management

596 Search Results

  • Publications

    Environmental effects of stump and root harvesting

    Lead Author: Andy J Moffat
    The removal of tree stumps and coarse roots from felling sites as a source of woody biomass for bioenergy generation is well established in parts of Europe, and interest has been expressed in replicating this practice in some regions of the UK. Overseas research shows that stump harvesting can pose a risk to sustainable forest […]
  • Publications

    The forgotten forest: the story of Whitelee Forest in the 20th Century

    Lead Author: Ruth Tittensor
    This is the story of forestry in and around Whitelee Forest, based on the memory of those who lived and work in forestry, knitted together from personal recollections.
  • Publications

    Costs and revenues of transformation to continuous cover forestry

    Lead Author: Owen Davies
    Study modelling silvicultural options with Sitka spruce showing how transformation to continuous cover forestry can be a good economic option compared with clearfelling and replanting. This is accompanied by an Analysis spreadsheet (MS Excel®-3813 KB) that enables practitioners and policymakers to change input costs, product specifications, roadside prices and the discount rate to suit their local […]
  • Publications

    Thinning practice – a silvicultural guide

    Lead Author: Gary Kerr
    The underlying silvicultural principles which make up good thinning practice and guidance on applying thinning in the most common situations of forest management. By Gary Kerr and Jens Haufe. Related pages Continuous cover silviculture Integrated establishment systems for the uplands Management of upland native woodlands Woodland and habitat management publications
  • Publications

    Short rotation forestry: review of growth and environmental impacts

    Lead Author: Helen McKay
    By Helen McKay (Ed.) This review updates the Hardcastle review (2006) of the environmental impacts of growing fast growing broadleaved species as short rotation forestry in Britain and where possible strengthens it using primary unpublished data. Forest Research Monograph: 2ISBN 978-0-85538-827-0
  • Publications

    Management of ancient wood pasture

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission (Scotland)
    This guidance note provides an introduction to the restoration and management of ancient wood pastures in Scotland. It is aimed at land managers, their advisers and agency staff involved in land management and grant assessment. It has also been developed to help applicants to the Scottish Rural Development Programme deliver the ‘Management of Ancient Wood […]
  • Publications

    National inventory of woodland and trees (1995-99): methodology

    Lead Author: Steve Smith
    This publication details the methodology behind the production of the National Inventory between 1995 and 1999.
  • Publications

    Respacing naturally regenerating Sitka spruce and other conifers

    Lead Author: W L Mason
    Dense natural regeneration of Sitka spruce and other conifers is an increasingly common feature of both recently clearfelled sites and stands managed under continuous cover forestry in upland forests of the British Isles. This regeneration can be managed by combining natural self-thinning in the early stages of stand establishment with management intervention to cut access […]
  • Publications

    Managing ancient and native woodland in England

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission (England)
    Managing ancient and native woodland in England has been produced by Forestry Commission England as an aid to forestry and woodland managers working with ancient and native woodland. It brings together current good management practice to ensure these important woodlands are sustained for the future. Our ancient and native woodlands are one of our oldest […]
  • Publications

    Transforming Even-aged Conifer Stands to Continuous Cover Management – Field sheet

    Lead Author: Forest Research
    Related pages Continuous cover silviculture Integrated establishment systems for the uplands Management of upland native woodlands Woodland and habitat management publications
  • Publications

    Ffeithiau a Ffigurau Coedwigaeth 2010

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    Crynodeb o Ystadegau Ynglyn a Choetiroedd a Choedwigoedd
  • Publications

    Managing Native Broadleaved Woodland

    What native broadleaved woodland managers need to know; a new handbook that provides answers to questions that woodland managers ask and covers topics including use of grazing animals, uneven aged silviculture and management for nature conservation.