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Themes: Ecosystem Services

151 Search Results

  • Publications

    Tree establishment on landfill sites

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    The results of 3 years commissioned research in the 1990s provide valuable information and advice on this important topic. Care in soil selection and placement, species choice, tree stock type, weed control, and protection against browsing animals is emphasised. Provided that there is a sufficient depth of overlying soil, woodland should pose no greater threat […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Thetford Forest Park: the ecology of a pine forest

    Lead Author: Philip Ratcliffe
    This Technical Paper includes papers from the Thetford symposium of 1991. The symposium was designed to gather together the results of a wide range of research which collectively have added greatly to our understanding of this pine forest ecosystem and influenced its management. The intended audience is woodland managers and ecologists and anyone with an […]
  • Publications

    Involving communities in forestry through community participation

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    This Guide provides advice on successful community participation. Use it as a checklist or sounding board in all Forestry Authority Woodland Grant Schemes where the Community Woodland Supplement is applied for. Use it in relation to existing woodlands where Annual Management Grant is being paid on the basis of special provision for access and recreation. […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] The native woodland resource in the Scottish highlands

    Lead Author: Neil A. Mackenzie
    Provides a summary account of the present extent, distribution, composition and condition of the native woodlands of the Highlands, which at over 210,000 ha is substantially greater than had previously been recognised. Half is of natural origin and half is of planted origin native woodland. Birch, Scots pine and oak are the commonest native species. […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] The use of treeshelters: 1992 survey

    Lead Author: Gary Kerr
    The correct use of treeshelters is important to ensure successful and rapid early establishment of young trees. Almost 200 sites were surveyed with the object of comparing actual usage of treeshelters with the recommendations (see FC Handbook 7). Effective weed control is essential with use of treeshelters. Height of treeshelters must take into account the […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Managing forests for biodiversity

    Lead Author: Richard Ferris-Kaan
    Managing Forests for Biodiversity was the title of a one-day symposium, organised by the British Ecological Society’s Forest Ecology Group, and held at the Maybury Hotel, Edinburgh on 2 September 1992. This Technical Paper is a record of papers presented at the symposium plus additional information, preceded by a brief introductory review. The symposium was […]
  • Publications

    Forest operations and badger setts

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    This guide concentrates upon safeguarding setts and badgers within setts. It is not intended to provide comprehensive advice on the wider aspects of managing forests for the benefit of badgers although it includes some measures which go beyond what is strictly necessary to avoid an offence under the 1992 Act, in order to minimise disturbance […]
  • Publications

    Our pinewood heritage

    These conference proceedings comprise 28 papers in 5 sections: overview of the pinewoods in 1994, management issues, management practice, recent research and development, and the way ahead. Eight posters are also summarised. Expanding the area of native pinewoods in Scotland, conserving their ecology, increasing biodiversity, and recognising them as a community resource will sustain this […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] The private woodlands survey

    Lead Author: C.P. Mitchell
    In 1990, the future of the Private Woodlands Survey was reconsidered by the Forestry Commission. Its original purpose had been to inform interested parties on reviews of planting grants. In recent years, however, a change in the economic rationale underlying grant-aid to private woodland owners has been increasingly recognised. This means that the primary basis […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Wildlife rangers handbook

    Lead Author: G.D. Springthorpe
    This Handbook is based on the creative conservation employed at Cannock. It is a manual written by working wildlife rangers for working wildlife rangers, and it will benefit shy and endangered wildlife and the public who can now enjoy them. The Handbook includes sections on: the ranger and forestry, wildlife and conservation, crop protection, deer […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Management of forests for capercaillie in Scotland

    Lead Author: Robert Moss
    The aim of this Bulletin is to summarise the best current information about the birds’ requirements and to provide guidelines for forest management which will benefit capercaillie. As far as possible, we base our recommendations on well-documented facts. Where hard data are not available, we make informed guesses based on anecdotal natural history and casual […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Black grouse and forestry: habitat requirements and management

    Lead Author: John Cayford
    The black grouse is a large, sexually dimorphic species found typically in habitats transitional between moorland and forest. Numbers of black grouse have recently declined throughout much of Europe. In Britain, the species is now largely confined to Scotland, the north of England and Wales. Continued loss and fragmentation of habitat represents the most serious […]