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Refine Results

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1400 Search Results for Forest Management

  • Tools and Resources

    Phytophthora kernoviae

    Overview of invasive plant pathogen Phytophthora kernoviae. Distribution, symptoms, diagnosis and management.
  • Publications

    Choice of silver birch planting stock for productive woodlands

    Lead Author: Steve Lee
    Silver birch is second only to oak in terms of total broadleaved woodland area in Britain. In the last two decades there has been an increase in the planting of birch woodlands both for timber production and the creation of native woodlands. The GB map of Native Seed Zones and Regions of Provenance provides guidance […]
  • Tools and Resources

    Woodland area

    Woodland Area Data Sources and Methodology Woodland Area Data on woodland area in the UK presented in this release are derived from the following sources: Forestry Commission and Natural Resources Wales administrative records of FC/NRW land areas; National Forest Inventory (NFI) woodland map (GB); Statistics on new planting in Great Britain; Northern Ireland Woodland Register; Forest Service administrative records of FS woodland areas […]
  • Tools and Resources

    Chalara manual – 2. Managing ash trees and woodland, including logs and firewood

    1. Principles The principles underlying the guidance presented below are: maintaining, where possible, the values and benefits associated with ash woodlands and iconic trees; securing an economic return where timber production is an important objective; maintaining as much genetic diversity in ash trees as possible with the aim of ensuring the presence of ash in the long term; and minimising impacts […]
  • Climate Change Hub

    5-step adaptation framework

    The following framework provides forest and woodland managers with a step-by-step approach to tackling the impacts of climate change and increasing resilience through adaptation.
  • Tools and Resources

    2017 – Woodland area by age: conifers

    Table 1.6 presents the area of conifers, broken down by age class, ownership and country. Sixty-one percent of the coniferous woodland area in Great Britain was occupied by stands of 40 years old or younger (Table 1.6). A further 9% of stands were aged over 60 years. Table 1.6 Stocked woodland area in GB by ownership and […]
  • Tools and Resources


    Table 1.7 presents the area of broadleaves, broken down by age class, ownership and country. Around one half (53%) of the broadleaved area was occupied by stands of 40 years old or younger (Table 1.7). More than one quarter (28%) of stands were aged over 60 years. Table 1.7 Stocked woodland area in GB by ownership and […]
  • Tools and Resources


    Table 1.6 presents the area of conifers, broken down by age class, ownership and country. Sixty-one percent of the coniferous woodland area in Great Britain was occupied by stands of 40 years old or younger (Table 1.6). A further 9% of stands were aged over 60 years. Table 1.6 Stocked woodland area in GB by ownership and […]
  • Tools and Resources

    2017 – Woodland area by age: broadleaves

    Table 1.7 presents the area of broadleaves, broken down by age class, ownership and country. Around one half (53%) of the broadleaved area was occupied by stands of 40 years old or younger (Table 1.7). More than one quarter (28%) of stands were aged over 60 years. Table 1.7 Stocked woodland area in GB by ownership and […]
  • Climate Change Hub

    Adapting infrastructure

    Forest infrastructure includes forest roads and rides, bridges, drainage systems, buildings and other facilities that enable management and access. Infrastructure plays a key role in the resilience of forests to climate change risks, such as flood water drainage and access for wildfire response.
  • Tools and Resources

    Publications, reports and posters about Phytophthora kernoviae

    Publications, reports and posters about Phytophthora kernoviae.
  • Tools and Resources

    Deer Model

    Red deer population dynamics model