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Themes: Pests And Diseases

266 Search Results

  • Publications

    Horse chestnut bleeding canker

    Lead Author: Sarah Green
    Horse chestnut is an important amenity tree species which has been significantly affected over the past decade by a widespread outbreak of bleeding canker disease. Symptoms include rust-coloured or blackened bleeding cankers on the stem and branches, which can lead to tree mortality. The causal agent of this disease is the pathogenic bacterium Pseudomonas syringae […]
  • Research

    Observatree early warning system for tree health

    Details of the Observatree project to set up a new tree health early warning system in the UK.
  • Research

    Genetic variation in the ash dieback pathogen

    Project about the biology of Chalara ash dieback pathogen at Forest Research
  • Research

    Ecological genetics of the ash dieback pathogen

    The research will investigate the ecological genetics of the ash dieback pathogen Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus and its ability to evolve in response to natural selection.
  • Research

    Chalara research

    Information about research carried out by Forest Research on Chalara ash dieback.
  • Research

    Ash dieback impact

    This project assesses the potential ecological impact of the disease ash dieback on UK woodlands and species and investigates possible solutions which might be achieved through woodland management.
  • Publications

    Elm yellows – Pest Alert

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    Elm yellows is a disease of elm trees caused by a type of bacterium known as a phytoplasma. Symptoms of the disease can range from yellowing of leaves to dieback of foliage and branches. Elm yellows has been found affecting elm trees in North America and a few European countries, but in 2014 it was […]
  • Publications

    Phytophthora lateralis – Pest Alert

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    Phytophthora lateralis is an aggressive, fungus-like pathogen of Lawson cypress trees. It mainly attacks the roots of trees and can spread up through the trunk resulting in the rapid decline and death of the tree. Thought to originate in Asia, the disease is the main cause of mortality in Lawson cypress in its native range […]
  • Research

    Ash dieback mass screening trials

    Chalara ash dieback resistance trials across the UK
  • Research

    Improved early detection of oak processionary moth

    Details of the improved methods for the early detection of Oak Processionary Moth
  • Research

    Tree health stakeholders: attitudes, activities and roles

    This page summarises Forest Research’s work in a Defra-funded project to identify and analyse all stakeholders involved in monitoring and protecting the health of trees in the UK.
  • Research

    Social analysis of the ALB outbreak

    This page summarises findings from Forest Research’s analysis of the 2012 outbreak of Asian Longhorn Beetle (ALB) in Kent, funded by Defra.