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145 Search Results for Forest Genetics

  • Tools and Resources

    Provenance trials of native tree species

    Project page about Genetic conservation in forestry.This project also considers various aspects of the genetic diversity of forest dwelling species.
  • Publications

    A future with broadleaved trees

    Lead Author: Steve Lee
    A strategy for the improvement of broadleaved trees in Britain and Ireland   The nations’ broadleaved trees, such as oak, chestnut, ash and birch, are important economically, socially and environmentally. Forest Research, Future Trees Trust and Earth Trust have jointly produced a strategy to improve Britain’s and Ireland’s broadleaved trees. The strategy, ‘A future with broadleaved trees’, […]
  • Publications

    Climate change: impacts and adaptation in England’s woodlands

    Lead Author: Duncan Ray
    The changing climate presents a challenge for forest planning and forest management in England because the projected increases in temperature, changes in the seasonality of rainfall, and an increased frequency of extreme events add complexity to species selection and silvicultural practice. By actively adjusting forest management now, to anticipate future changes, we can hope to […]
  • Publications

    No seed zone effects on the survival, growth, and stem form of Pacific silver fir in Britain

    Lead Author: Gary Kerr
    Long-term research finds Pacific silver fir has great potential as a forestry species in Britain With our climate changing and an increasing range of pests and diseases affecting trees in Britain, it is important forest managers diversify the tree species they plant and use a wider range of forest management systems (e.g. continuous cover forestry). Pacific silver […]
  • Service

    DNA fingerprinting

    Service overview Forest Research uses micro-satellite analysis to produce DNA fingerprints from individual plants. This allows us to determine whether the plant is a genetically distinct individual or a clone, perhaps grown from suckers or cuttings. Clonal identification helps to inform biodiversity initiatives, tree conservation programmes and silvicultural practices. It is also useful for tracking tree […]
  • Service

    Programme 1 Sustainable Forest Management in the light of environmental change

    Summary of Programme Environmental change describes the far-reaching shifts in the earth’s life systems caused by human-induced effects on climate, atmospheric composition and land use.  Forests offer opportunities for mitigation of the effects of environmental change (e.g. carbon sequestration, slope stabilisation), and forests can be managed over the long-term to ensure their adaptation to the changes. […]
  • Publications

    Dothistroma literature (D-F)

    A list of all literature available (updated to December 2015) about Dothistroma in alphabetical order (D-F)
  • Publications

    Dothistroma literature (M-Z)

    A list of all literature available (updated to December 2015) about Dothistroma in alphabetical order (M-Z)
  • Publications

    Dothistroma literature (G-L)

    A list of all literature available (updated to December 2015) about Dothistroma in alphabetical order (G-L)
  • Tools and Resources

    Planting practice

    Information on successful planting practice of species in urban greenspace projects and the constraints to planting
  • Service

    Programme 5 Achieving multiple ecosystem benefits

    Summary of Programme Trees, woods and forests provide multiple benefits to society and many of these are recognised in the forestry and woodland strategies spanning the next 25-50 years. In particular, there are benefits to the environment through climate change mitigation and adaptation, air quality improvement, protecting water quality and soil health, flood mitigation and addressing […]
  • Publications

    Encouraging biodiversity at multiple scales in support of resilient woodlands

    Lead Author: Chloe Bellamy
    Woodland ecosystems are integral to our health, well-being, security and economy, but they face a number of pressures including climate change, land-use intensification, and emerging pests and diseases. This Research Note explores the links between biodiversity, measured at different levels of organisation (genes, species and communities), and the ability of woodland ecosystems to withstand and […]