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Themes: Pests And Diseases

176 Search Results

  • Publications

    [Archive] The use of herbicides in the forest (4th edition)

    Lead Author: Ian Willoughby
    A comprehensive account of chemical weed control techniques for use in forestry. Covers pesticide legislation, safety precautions and good working practices, herbicides for use against specific weed vegetation types, farm forestry weed control, protective clothing and personal equipment, application equipment and output guides, lists of herbicides and manufacturers, sources of advice, and an index of […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Forest nursery herbicides

    Lead Author: David Williamson
    Information is given on the use of forest nursery herbicides. Much of this information is based on the results of Forestry Commission experiments. A brief description of the types of herbicides is given followed by information on the various herbicides which can be used at the different stages of forest nursery stock production. This publication […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] De-icing salt damage to trees and shrubs

    Lead Author: M.C. Dobson
    The damage caused by de-icing salt is a serious, but often underestimated, problem which affects substantial numbers of roadside trees and shrubs both in Britain and abroad. This Bulletin has resulted from an extensive review of the world literature on the subject; the findings fall into four distinct categories which comprise its four chapters. Chapter […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Honey fungus

    Lead Author: B.J.W.Greig
    Honey fungus is one of the commonest root diseases of trees and shrubs in the world. It can kill an enormous range of plants and also causes decay in standing trees. It is rarely a major problem in woodland although it sometimes kills large groups of conifers in young plantations. The disease is more serious […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Ash dieback – a survey of non-woodland trees

    Lead Author: S.K. Hull
    During the summer of 1987 a survey of dieback in non-woodland ash trees was undertaken in Great Britain. After excluding certain areas due to their known low ash population, two hundred 10 km squares were visited and detailed data collected on the condition of ash in a plot selected within each square. Information was obtained […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Research for practical arboriculture

    Lead Author: S.J. Hodge (Ed)
    This Bulletin records the proceedings of a seminar held at York University in April 1990, organised jointly by the Arboricultural Association and the Forestry Commission. The seminar was the third of its kind, held every 5 years, since 1980, updating the arboriculture industry on current arboriculture research in the United Kingdom. Twenty-six papers are presented […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Assessment of tree condition

    Lead Author: J.L. Innes
    Forest condition is now assessed annually in most European countries. This Field Book provides details of assessment procedures used by the Forestry Commission in their main monitoring programme. Although this programme is restricted to Sitka spruce, Norway spruce, Scots pine, oak and beech, the techniques that are described are applicable with little or no modification […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Nitrogen deficiency in Sitka spruce plantations

    Lead Author: C.M.A Taylor
    On moorland and heathland soils in Great Britain nitrogen deficiency can severely restrict the growth of certain conifer species, including Sitka spruce, the main commercial species. Until the 1970s this was thought to be due solely to competition from heather and was commonly known as ‘heather check’. However, increased planting of Sitka spruce on very […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Forest nursery herbicides (1989)

    Lead Author: D.R. Williamson
    In this Occasional paper information is given on the application of forest nursery herbicides. Much of this information is based on Forestry Commission trials. A brief description of the types of herbicide is given followed by information on the various herbicides which can be used at the different growth stages of forest nursery stock.Note: This […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Dendroctonus micans in Britain – it’s biology and control

    Lead Author: C.J. King
    The great European spruce bark beetle (Dendroctonus micans) was first identified as a breeding species in Britain in 1982. This insect’s distribution, pest status, biology, life cycle and control methods are described. Although its present population is limited to Wales, the English West Midlands and Lancashire, it is well established. Infestations are characterised by scattered […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] The use of herbicides in the forest (3rd edition)

    Lead Author: D.R. Williamson
    The Book contains recommendations for the use of herbicides in the forest.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Provisional code of practice for the use of pesticides in Great Britain

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    The Code of Practice in this Occasional Paper is made for the guidance of users of pesticides in forestry. It amplifies the requirements both of the Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986 and the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations, 1988. The code is intended to cover the use of pesticides for the protection of […]