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Archive Publications: Bulletin

137 Search Results

  • Publications

    [Archive] Utilisation of hazel coppice

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    This bulletin presents the results of studies carried out on the rate of growth and yield of coppices of the common hazel, and on the utilisation of hazel poles both by traditional means and by modem technical processes. As hazel occupies over 160,000 acres of woodlands in Great Britain, its proper utilisation, where this is […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Adelges insects of silver firs

    Lead Author: Issac William Varty
    Insects of the genus Adelges have long been recognised as economically important pests of the valuable timber-producing silver fir trees that comprise the genus Abies. In fact the planting of the common European silver fir, Abies alba, has had to be greatly restricted in Britain because of the depredations of these insects. This Bulletin gives […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Tree root development on upland heaths

    Lead Author: C.W. Yeatman
    The investigation was initiated by the Forestry Commission as part of the programme of research into the afforestation of heathlands. The object of the investigation was to study the root development of coniferous forest crops on upland heaths to determine: (i) The relationships existing between the development of the root systems, the soils, and the […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Studies of North-west American forests in relation to silviculture in Great Britain

    Lead Author: R.F. Wood
    During 1952 and 1953, Mr. R. F. Wood, one of the Commission’s forest officers, who had been awarded a Travelling Fellowship by the Nuffield Foundation, visited the forests of British Columbia and the neighbouring territories, to carry out field studies. This region is the home of several trees, such as the Sitka spruce and the […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] The volume-basal area line: a study in forest mensuration

    Lead Author: F.C. Hummel
    This bulletin is a study in forest mensuration which has arisen out of investigations into the timber content of British woodlands. It deals primarily with the relationship that exists between the volume of a tree and its sectional area at breast height; a relationship here called, for convenience, the volume-basal area line. Studies of this […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Mull and mor formation in relation to forest soils

    Lead Author: W.R.C. Handley
    This bulletin presents the results of researches carried out at the Imperial Forestry Institute, Oxford, between 1948 and 1953. It deals with the processes that go on when organic material decays in the soil.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Experiments in tree planting on peat

    Lead Author: J.W.L. Zehetmayr
    This Bulletin summarises the results of numerous experiments carried out in various parts of the country, experiments which have dealt, mainly, with methods of establishing crops of trees on peat.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Studies on British beechwoods

    Lead Author: J. M. B. Brown
    This bulletin presents the results of a comprehensive survey of British beechwoods carried out by Mr J.M.B. Brown, B.Sc., during the years 1948 to 1950. The importance of the beech in our woodlands is generally realised, and it is hoped that these studies will prove of value to all concerned with its silviculture.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Poplars 1952

    Lead Author: T. R. Peace
    This Bulletin endeavours to fill in the gaps in our knowledge of poplar cultivation. The choice of varieties is bewildering, and is becoming rapidly more so as new hybrids are produced.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Forestry Practice (4th edition)

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    A summary of methods of establishing forest nurseries and plantations with advice on other forestry questions for owners, agents and foresters.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Spring frosts (2nd edition)

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    This Bulletin provides an update to the original bulletin from 1937. Spring frosts add considerably to the difficulties of establishing young plantations. Investigations which the Imperial Forestry Institute had been carrying out for the Forestry Commission since 1929 were already yielding interesting results when the great May frosts of 1935 occurred.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Spring frosts

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    Investigations which the Imperial Forestry Institute had been carrying out for the Forestry Commission since 1929 were already yielding interesting results when the great May frosts of 1935 occurred.