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Wind and forests – the evolution of research since the 1950s

To mark the centenary of the Forestry Commission, “British Forests: The Forestry Commission 1919-2019” was published this summer.  Research features prominently in the story of the Commission and contributors to...
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A spy in the woods

26th September 2019

A new study by researchers from the University of Stirling and Forest Research is aiming to examine the impact of deer on the development of woodland ecosystems by using camera traps.

What do we know about how trees can cool our towns and cities?

New suite of publications explores services provided by urban trees

New Strategy to protect UK tree diversity

Nicol Sinclair has been announced as the new Head of IFOS from 1st July 2019. He will be taking over from Peter Weston, who is retiring after a long and...

A new £800,000 interdisciplinary study designed to predict and monitor the response of European forests to drought and temperature change.

Research carried out by the University of Southampton and Forest Research is helping to tackle one of the biggest sustainability challenges – looking after and nurturing the natural resources in...

Tree bark biochar: a green bullet for Scotland’s carbon store

Steve Lee, who has recently retired from Forest Research, has been awarded an OBE for his expertise in tree breeding in the UK.

A new calculator and planting guidance have been developed to help farmers decide which trees to plant, and in what formation, to mitigate the impact of ammonia emissions from animal housing and grazing areas.