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Research just published details when, where and why hedgehog roadkill is most likely to occur, with the outskirts of cities in central Britain emerging as particular black spots.

On Friday 17 January, the government’s Chief Plant Health Officer, Nicola Spence, accompanied by Forest Research’s Chris Reynolds, visited the project to plant one of the last trees in the...
Two members of staff from Forest Research have been recognised in the Queen’s New Year’s Honours List. Dr Helen McKay (née MacGilp), the Head of Centre for Sustainable Forestry and Climate...

Recently published research sheds light on the learning gained from the Active Forests Programme in England about how to encourage and sustain levels of physical activity.

As part of the Forestry Commission’s centenary celebrations, Forest Research has planted 25 trees in the grounds of its research station at Alice Holt Lodge, in the south-east of England.

In late November over twenty tree specialists from Wales, mainly foresters and arborists, near Newport in Gwent for a tree health workshop.

We have recently developed a Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Network, and now have 21 trained Mental Health First Aiders spread across the UK.

A recent project has investigated the potential of using Natural Flood Management (NFM) to reduce flooding incidents on the strategic road network.

Wind and forests – the evolution of research since the 1950s

To mark the centenary of the Forestry Commission, “British Forests: The Forestry Commission 1919-2019” was published this summer.  Research features prominently in the story of the Commission and contributors to...
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A spy in the woods

26th September 2019

A new study by researchers from the University of Stirling and Forest Research is aiming to examine the impact of deer on the development of woodland ecosystems by using camera traps.

What do we know about how trees can cool our towns and cities?