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Newly published research from Forest Research explores changes in tree canopy cover since the 1940s for ten urban areas across Great Britain.

Research finds that when bacteria and beetle larvae associated with acute oak decline were used to infect oak logs, there was a significant increase in the variety and abundance of damaging genes expressed by the bacteria, particularly those of Brenneria goodwinii, the main bacterial culprit in causing the stem rot associated with acute oak decline.

Researchers at the James Hutton Institute, Forest Research and the University of Aberdeen have developed a new way to quantify the potential carbon storage for eleven different forestry management alternatives in Scottish locations using a novel spatial analysis method.

Forest Research collaborate with Defra and Vodafone to pilot new generation of tree growth monitors

Dr Helen McKay OBE FICFor has been appointed as the new Chief Forester for Scotland. In her new role, she will provide technical and professional advice on forestry matters to Scottish...
Combined efforts to bring pine martens back to the Forest of Dean have just reached a major milestone – a number of recently released females have given birth to offspring. The...

A pioneering new project to investigate the health of our British oak trees has been given the go-ahead.

A survey to support an independent review of the National Forest Inventory (NFI) has been launched today, Wednesday 17 June 2020. The survey calls on landowners, forestry and woodland professionals, and...

Scientists at the University of Southampton and Forest Research say understanding the risk of damage by deer to new and existing forests in Britain is crucial when considering their expansion.

Living Ash Project Phase 2 funding announced. The new five-year programme is the second phase of the project which is aiming to secure trees tolerant to the fungal disease ash dieback for future seed production.

This week, scientists from Forest Research have been demonstrating their research on woodlands and climate change at Forestry England’s Alice Holt Forest. The activities are part of British Science Week and have been carried out with local college students.

The time it takes for species to respond to conservation measures – known as an ‘ecological time lag’ – could be partly masking any real progress that is being made, experts have warned.