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During the first week of June, climate change adaptation experts from across Europe and the world, gathered in Glasgow for the 3rd European Climate Change Adaptation Conference. Over 850 researchers, policy-makers, and practitioners attended four days of talks, workshops and excursions. The conference aimed to explain the latest research and to bring together people who will deliver action on the ground – from business, industry, NGOs, local government and communities – to share knowledge, ideas and experience with leading researchers and policymakers.

Experts at the conference included scientists from Forest Research who explained how we can increase the ability of our woodlands to cope with our changing climate. Topics discussed included experience and lessons from integrating adaptation considerations into forest planning in the New Forest, learning from Queen Elizabeth Forest Park about co-producing resources to support adaptation, the resilience of forest management plans to climate and societal change, and decision-making options for robust climate change adaptation in forest management. The conference also offered inspiring ideas for forest adaptation, such as participatory modelling and new tools for adaptation. Forest Research and Forestry Commission Scotland displayed a case study in the Climate Ready Scotland Exhibition and hosted a joint Q&A session on adaptation in Scotland’s forest sector.

One of the highlights of the conference was a field trip to the Queen Elizabeth Forest Park in Argyll. During the excursion, hosted by Forest Enterprise Scotland and supported by Forest Research, delegates saw some of the adaptation activities being taken forward in the area. They discussed active forest management of riparian areas, productive woodland, wind-blown trees and the role of continuous cover forestry.

All the case studies from the Climate Ready Scotland Showcase are available on the Adaptation Scotland website.

Further information on Forest Research’s climate change adaptation work.

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12 Jul 2017

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A new study, led by Forest Research, has been published which looks at whether Ips typographus would select Sitka spruce, compared to Norway spruce, as a host for breeding, and for the first time, reviews the chemical ecology behind these choices.


Forest Research is looking for private woodland or forest managers to participate in a research project. We’re investigating how the risk of climate change is perceived and the extent to which adaptation measures are built into management plans.

Forest Research is leading Defra’s NCEA programme, measuring, mapping and assessing England’s ecosystems and natural capital to inform environmental policy and sustainability.